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Caucomgomoc Lake and surrounding Ponds? (Maine)

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
Has anyone ever explored this area. I'm thinking of checking them out after a visit to my daughters place in Maine next week. I have never been on the "Golden Road" (a dirt logging road) and would like some nice quiet ponds to explore off of it.
These seem like they would fit the bill.

Any info would be appreciated, I have the Quiet Water, Maine book but would like some first hand thoughts.
We stayed at Loon Lodge at Round Pond last fall before we went to Allagash Lake. We went up the Ragamuff Rd off the Golden Road. We did go up the right branch of Loon Lake Rd off Ragamuff. There is a sort of a t intersection and the right branch that leads to Caucomgomoc Lake Rd and the dam looks very little used. Use it. You wont get stuck. There is a campsite at the dam.. We did not paddle this area.. but did drive it.. Ciss stream just screams MOOSE. Round Pond was beautiful..
Now there is logging in the area so if you want quiet you might call the folks who are there. Nice folks. They can advise on paddling the ponds ( like Shallow) that we did not see.

We really liked Allagash Lake.. easy less than a mile cartable woods road that is gated...go to the Ranger cabin and launch. He doesnt mind.. the other branch of the trail is wicked rough.. That is if you decide to do Allagash Lake..!
I'd like to do from Black up through Caucomgomoc but there are rapids below the dam. I am sure there is a portage.. I just don't know anything about it.
Ciss Stream is moose country, Daggett Pond is also filled with moose. The other place to paddle is Poland Pond which is Loon Country and great fishing in Wadleigh Stream.

Black Pond is a nice paddle there is one mini fall that you have to line up over, then paddle to the campsite where the carry begins. It's a bit muddy at first and about a 1/2 mile to the upper part of the sandbank where you can use a cart to get up to the dam, another mile +/-.

Paddling down Caucomgomoc Stream from the dam isn't a lot of fun. Lots of rock, not a lot of room to maneuver, lots of hauling he canoe around the rock. I spent more time in the stream than in the canoe, but it was late July also.
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We poled up Caucomgomac Stream to the lake. Rugged. Ciss Stream is a thoroughfare between Round Pond and Caucomgomac lake. Pretty country. Allagash Lake, while having no vehicular access, seems like the boundary waters: Everyone goes there because they think it's remote. but it is very pretty and an easy portage if you have a cart.
Just an update on North Maine Woods roads I know about.. From another persons post.. Telos is in horrid shape to Indian Stream.. From my experience this last week:
Golden Road from Milllinocket ( from Ambajejus Lake) is partly dirt partly paved and the paved part is full of potholes to tear your vehicle apart as far as Allagash Gateway Campground.
The Greenville Road from Kokadjo is in good shape and would be my choice to approach the Allagash area. I would not use a low clearance vehicle though as in one section beavers have flooded the road with a good deep pond.
Chesuncook Road to the Graveyard Point launch is in excellent shape.
Unless something happens along the Lobster Trip road to warrant a grader ( like logging) that road is not good for two wheel low clearance vehicles. The ruts are deep and the road a mess. Its slippery too with mud after a rain.
Telos to Indian Stream was rough last week but I've seen it a lot worst. The worst of it is on the back side of Chamberlain once you pass the Arm.
In this case the dam is on the lake side of the road. Its leaking causing the pond.. Removing it would wash out the road.
The Greenville Road from Kokadjo is in good shape and would be my choice to approach the Allagash area. I would not use a low clearance vehicle though as in one section beavers have flooded the road with a good deep pond.

Would a Subaru Forester have enough clearance to get across it? It has about 8 1/2 inch clearance, a little more to the doors.

Would a Subaru Forester have enough clearance to get across it? It has about 8 1/2 inch clearance, a little more to the doors.

It should be fine..However there was a LOT of rain there after we left so my observation may have been only good for one day. We have a Honda Ridgeline and the bumper seems to have been clear..we did not plow water with the grille.
We had a loaded Forrester with us over the Telos Road that did fine.

We tried with the Ridgeline to get from Round Pond to the Telos Road at Chamberlain Bridge. We did not get far. The road was just gone.. Replaced by a lake at least 500 feet across. Looked quite deep.. more than three feet.
So Robin if you want to go out that way for exploring..take dynamite and chest waders.. The beavers have done it again. As there is no logging there currently the rodents have their way. Maine is not Connecticut, where my husband in conjunction with his job was examining a beaver dam in Deep River and some lady called the law. Who read the riot act cause he thought my hubby was destroying the dam ( which is a no no on that suburban state). Law calmed down when hubby said he is a bridge engineer trying to figure a work around for the beaver without damaging or killing them or the dam. Lady was still furious.

When I replied to Robins post a long time ago on another forum the question did not seem to refer to an area so I replied thinking that he is in CT the tripping area might also be there. ( it wasnt)
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Would a Subaru Forester have enough clearance to get across it? It has about 8 1/2 inch clearance, a little more to the doors.


riverstrider I don't know if you've been up to the Allagash or Telos Rd but a full spare makes the trip a lot easier, along with a 12V compressor, a tire repair kit, a board for a base to put the jack on and pack them on top where they are handy. Most places up there have compressors if you don't.

Telos Arrowheads are everywhere.
They are grading part of the Golden Road. This involves applying a layer of sharp rock in places that are mucky. If you are the day after the grader there are lots of edges. Month later and rocks have gotten imbedded
That goes for all dirt roads we just had to add rock to our road and are awaiting complaints from our seasonals
Thanks, all...I won't be up there until September, so by then all of this will probably be irrelevant, lol! I've driven most of the roads between Greenville, Rockwood and Chesuncook...not to Chamberlain Bridge, though, which is an option. So I know all about the arrowheads (although the only time I've been pierced by one so far was on the way to the dam for a Kennebec Gorge release) and I have a good spare and compressor. I may decide, however, to just head to Chesuncook to leave the cars there...seems a convenient place for the Allagash Lake Loop.
