This is actually about my house, not my shop. I don’t have a shop. I was commenting to someone the other day that I have very few Knick knacks, like most of my friends seem to. I have a bundle of sassafras’s sticks, with a nice ribbon. When people ask me, I tell them that they were native one of the places that i lived, and that if you break one and sniff, it smells like heaven—or root beer. I have pine cones and sweet gum balls and rocks from here and there and everywhere. I have a special jar with some rocks from ANWR, and a little piece of caribou antler from the Yukon. The folks who ask me about such things kind of understand why having a bit of trail debris here and there is important to me. If say so myself, it looks nice. I also have a beautiful canoe paddle and a wooden kayak paddle “tastefully” leaned against a wall. Over the years, I’ve spent way too much money on getting to places, and maybe not enough on the mementos and decorations, but that’s only maybe. A long time ago, I decided to buy underwear as a souvenir from trips. I told that to my friend and she laughed. I bet she does that on upcoming trips, though... souvenir longjohns! OK, this started as a comment about stuff to decorate with and wandered away from the topic. Sorry.
Jim, I love your art piece.