• Happy 1st English Child Born in Canada (Jonathan Guy, 1613)! 🍁👶🏼

Building myself a new knife.

I been eating popcorn and watching you and Mem build boats. Other then that I been letting the oil soak into the Ebony. All I have left is to buff the handle out. Any day now.
Well I guess the knife is done. Since last time I added a nickle silver thong tube in the hole, finish sanded the handle, gave it a few coats of a 50/50 mix of gum turpentine and boiled linseed oil. After letting it dry a few days tonight I buffed it on the buffing wheel and then sharpened it. The picture sucks. I need to take one outside some time when I'm camping and come back and post it here. I will build a pouch type sheath with a boot clip on it to clip on my day pack where it will ride. I may post a pic of the knife in the sheath. I don't fancy myself a sheath maker so don't expect much.


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Tres cool, Dave, tres cool...What was that finger guard material again?
I know this may have been a familiar trip for you, maybe even mundane, but I have enjoyed the ride quite a bit, but no popcorn here!
I gotta ask...When you're finished, can you appreciate the beauty of that knife? Do you still enjoy seeing the transformation? Can you see only the flaws? (It looks perfect to me!)

And do you know why I ask?
Wow!! What a beauty Dave. What magic has been wrought between those two photos! Looking at the screen, my fingers all by themselves are reaching out to hold that gentle barrel of a grip. What pleasure that knife will be for the user.

Having looked at your amazing shop and now seeing the stunning results from it, I knew you had wonderful things to teach us, I just didn't know how wonderful.

Thanks for all the time and effort it took!

Best Wishes, Rob
Stripperguy and Oldie are much more eloquent than me, but i echo their sentiments! That knife is awesome, in the vernacular of the 15 year olds i teach. it's "Da Bomb". What's next?
If I hadn't seen the transformation with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! Even now, I have to keep scrolling back to the early stages of this project to convince myself there's been no fancy photoshopping going on. I'm sure, just like so many others' fine projects on this forum, pictures don't do it enough justice. Nor do they adequately convey all the skills of the craftsman. I'm starting to look at knives with a whole new respect and appreciation.Thanks for letting me take up some corner space in your workshop, and peek over your shoulder. (Now, I heard there was popcorn somewhere, but the bowl didn't make it all the way round the room. )
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I gotta ask...When you're finished, can you appreciate the beauty of that knife? Do you still enjoy seeing the transformation? Can you see only the flaws? (It looks perfect to me!)

And do you know why I ask?

SG, I think I know exactly why you ask. I'm a perfectionist, unfortunately I don't do perfect work so there are always flaws and my eye seems to always go right to them. Even so, I do enjoy using the things I make because they are tailored to my tastes. The finger guard is nickle silver.

Thank you all for the kind comments. I'm glad to know that I didn't waste your time. I was a little hesitant doing a knife build on a canoe web site. Dave
Very nice, it was an excellent read and picture story. A real plus for this website as are SG's and Memaquays, really interesting to see how it was done. I too carry a folder on trips for fear of a slip and fall with a fixed blade. Just my preference, but that knife is made for canoe country....Thanks
Really enjoyed watching the knife being born. Your perfectionism really shows. It looks flawless to all of us. Have you ever made a birch bark stacked handle? That's one of the things I've always wanted to try with a knife.
Have you ever made a birch bark stacked handle?

I gathered birch bark off some down trees and took it home for that purpose. It's on my to do list. I like Nordic knife styles and enjoy looking at the various materials they use in the handles and sheaths.
Geeze, there's so many talented and smart people on this site, I feel like I've been allowed into the MENSA canoe society. Imagine if we all got together, the conversations would range from intricate machine tooling to how to make a poopy in the forest.

What is a birch bark stacked handle? I need to learn something new today.
"What is a birch bark stacked handle? I need to learn something new today."

Its a handle made by stacking birch bark "washers" for lack of a better description. Stack them on the handle, fasten with a butt plate, and shape to suit your self. This is a random picture I found on the web for an example.
That knife is definitely beautiful!! I wish I had half your skill!
Rippy, anything on that pic in the sheath?

Jason, I made a sheath and wasn't happy with it. About that same time I hit the wall with cabin fever. I'm waiting for recovery with some warm weather to heal my soul. Then I can enjoy making another sheath. I'll post a pic when I'm done.