Or “Why did it take me 20 years to think of this”.
I prefer using the DIY bucket(s) system for Wag Bag pack out your crap trips. A tall bucket to hold the Wag Bag and a comfy anti-groover seat, and another gasket sealed bucket that nestles inside the throne to carry the accumulated stinky wag bags. That arrangement is lightweight and you can pick up the whole shebang via the bail with one hand to tote it into scenic view crapper location.
The downside was the seat. I have long used an actual toilet seat, with a circular slot routered on the bottom to snap atop the tall bucket throne.

For comparison, beside an outfitter’s stinky (heavy, awkward) diamond plate rental toilet.

A standard toilet seat with a routered slot works for the DIY wag bag solution, but has many downsides. The routered slot dimensions are not the same from bucket to bucket and it need to fit precisely, so it won’t work on even slightly differing diameter buckets. It is heavy. And awkwardly sized. And, as gear goes, kinda fugly.
I’ve been using that same seat for 20+ years. And it finally occurred to me, there is a far better, lighter, more compact way to enjoy a morning wag bag constitutional on an arse comfy seat.

Oh hell yeah, 3 pieces of hollow core pool noodle slit down the middle. The “seat” fits in a little ditty bag, weighs next to nothing and is more than satisfactorily comfy.
I like it. I am a bit chagrined that it took me 20 years to think of that solution, but I never claimed to be all that smart.
I prefer using the DIY bucket(s) system for Wag Bag pack out your crap trips. A tall bucket to hold the Wag Bag and a comfy anti-groover seat, and another gasket sealed bucket that nestles inside the throne to carry the accumulated stinky wag bags. That arrangement is lightweight and you can pick up the whole shebang via the bail with one hand to tote it into scenic view crapper location.
The downside was the seat. I have long used an actual toilet seat, with a circular slot routered on the bottom to snap atop the tall bucket throne.

For comparison, beside an outfitter’s stinky (heavy, awkward) diamond plate rental toilet.

A standard toilet seat with a routered slot works for the DIY wag bag solution, but has many downsides. The routered slot dimensions are not the same from bucket to bucket and it need to fit precisely, so it won’t work on even slightly differing diameter buckets. It is heavy. And awkwardly sized. And, as gear goes, kinda fugly.
I’ve been using that same seat for 20+ years. And it finally occurred to me, there is a far better, lighter, more compact way to enjoy a morning wag bag constitutional on an arse comfy seat.

Oh hell yeah, 3 pieces of hollow core pool noodle slit down the middle. The “seat” fits in a little ditty bag, weighs next to nothing and is more than satisfactorily comfy.
I like it. I am a bit chagrined that it took me 20 years to think of that solution, but I never claimed to be all that smart.