Hi everyone, I am new here and after years of fishing from the banks on the rivers I bought a canoe. It's not the worlds best but I am new to owning a boat/canoe and thought I would start cheap and maybe one day work my way up to a nicer or even a custom made canoe. So anyway's because it's my first canoe and no experience I wanted something cheap but something to withstand a couple years of river fishing. I went to my local Dick's Sporting Goods store and purchased a Scanoe 14ft Canoe. I must say I don't have a ton of knowledge when it comes to canoe's but it looked to be made of pretty good material and looks like it could withstand some abuse. So for $399 at my local Dick's Sporting Goods store I felt ok with the purchase. Again, it's my first canoe and I want to test the waters before buying something more expensive down the road. Any way's I have a couple questions that have been picking at my brain and so I thought I would jump online and find some friendly people to help me out here. So the river I will be doing 90% of my fishing from is on a family farm and very secluded from others so I have no worries of anything getting stolen. So one of my questions would be is when I am not using the canoe is it ok to cover the canoe with a tarp real good and leave it on the water tied up to the bank? Or should I pull it out of the water and tie it up on the bank? Or should I always store the canoe under a roof of some sort? It would be much easier on me if I could leave the canoe on the water or on the bank out of the water tied up. I am just not sure if this is ok for the boat to be left out in the elements/weather. Again I would be using a tarp to cover the boat from sun, rain and other elements and weather related deals. So otherwise is leaving it in the water tied to the bank or left on the bank out of the water not a good idea with a tarp to protect? Next question is I am looking for a trolling motor for the canoe at it has a transom on the rear for a trolling motor. I am looking at a 30lb Minn Kota trolling motor. Is a 30lb trolling motor big enough? Typically it will be myself, fiancé and a friend or maybe two friends. The boat has seats for three but can hold four and weight it can hold is 770 lbs. If I have four people on the boat I should not exceed 600lbs and a little bit of gear which is about 30lbs or less. *But usually I will be by myself or have one friend come along. So is a 30lb trolling motor big enough or should I get a 40lb, 45lb, 50lb, 55lb or what? I assume a 30lb is big enough. A friend told me to make sure to get a deep cycle battery, any types of deep cycle batteries you guys would recommend? And how long should a deep cycle battery run me on battery time? By the way the river I fish from is not the Mississippi River or anything near that size. This river is just a typical normal flowing river. Good for fishing and that is about it. lol. Last question is does anyone know any sites to look at mods that others have done to their canoes and where to buy extra things for your canoes to customize it? Thanks everyone.