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Birds in your boat?

Jun 3, 2015
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Anchorage Alaska / Pocono Mts.
I was on a trip many years ago and was fishing when two black headed seagulls landed in my boat. The lake is only 320 acres and I wasn't more than a few hundred yards from shore when they landed in the boat. They seemed to have a short conversation and then flew off. The more I think about this the more rare I think it is. Has anyone else out there had a bird land in their boat?
No birds, but bees, butterflies, dragonflies and twice a snake. Snakes on a canoe, so to speak. Gotta get these Mutha F#$%$ing snakes outta my canoe!
There were no fish in the boat. The gulls were feeding on minnows near the surface along with the terns in front of my campsite. I had stayed at that site for couple days and I think the gulls were used to the boat and may have been sitting on it while it was tied up.
Had a songbird (can't remember what kind) land on the bow, almost in my wife's reach. It rode around there for a while before taking off. It seemed lost, as I was thinking it should have gone south by then. Snowstorm hit in the night, and we found that same bird (assuming, since we only saw one near camp that day) was laying dead by the shore next morning. Sad....

Snake in the boat....
I bought a canoe from a couple who had a rattlesnake swim up and climb into the boat with them. That was the end of their canoeing. Wife refused any more paddling and they bought a motorboat soon after. Was a good deal for me. ;)
One spring weekend in my teens I was taking a canoe down a stretch of the Delaware River up above Hancock, NY when I saw a large bird in the river. I scope it with a landing net and it was a ruffed grouse. It was still alive, but shivering. It eventually perched on the bow until it warmed up enough in the sun to start flapping. I headed to shore & it flew the last 10 feet and ran into the brush. I took it as a good omen for the fall bird hunting season..
I've heard of fish jumping in boats, and they weren't those flying carp either.

Snakes, I had a small rattle snake come out from the ribs in an aluminium row boat one time. That was the day I found out that my father had a fear of snakes.
happens a lot around these parts, I rarely bother taking pics, but this female grackle stayed with us so long I had to get a few pic's. I think the behavior is an extension of them associating people with food on land. So they see people on the water they figure there is an easy snack awaiting. I see more gulls concentrated in shopping center parking lots near the coast than I ever see out on the water.


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During one of my first trips in the BWCA I had a very memorable experience. Our crew was traveling on one of the larger border lakes on a quite calm day. Along the middle of this big lake, and a significant distance from any shore, a Ruby Throated Hummingbird landed on one the packs in my canoe.
It rested that way for maybe ten minutes. All too soon, it left us with a wonderful memory.
I've heard of fish jumping in boats, and they weren't those flying carp either.

Snakes, I had a small rattle snake come out from the ribs in an aluminium row boat one time. That was the day I found out that my father had a fear of snakes.

Sssnakes. I have met a python in a porta potty. I have heard they like to fall into boats from mangroves. Paddling Charley Creek in the Everglades I wished I had not learned that. I have no snake awareness at all. I had to have Floridians help me find anything that wasn't a black racer. Cottonmouths I couldn't find in front of me. But I admit to being a snake sex voyeur. The guy is the little one. Boy did he wriggle! The big female just well... was.. Non venomous I'd not like this act in my boat though ( should have done video)


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Snakes... something of nightmares. Last year I rented a canoe on a little lake on the Gunflint Trail. The lady told the man, "Don't give her the one with the snake." YEAH! Don't give me the one with the snake. He didn't, and I had a nice little paddle.
Around here in the spring, several people i know have had aggressive Canada geese practically go into their boat after them while hissing-scary..
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