• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Best Route

It it was me I would take #17N but only to #566 and then over to #129.

Hwy 129 is a nice drive, I've never been on 566 which is why I would choose it instead of 17E (it's also the shortest of all the options).

On the other hand if you have not driven any of the Superior North Shore maybe that would be nice (although not as nice as it was on the original road in the 60's & 70's). The route via Wawa is quite a bit longer as well. Not sure where you are headed but if time is not an issue I might go north one way and come back south the other way.
I notice 566 is only paved to Searchmont so that leaves 80km of gravel to #129. The road was good enough for Google Street View but it is probably slightly slower than 17/129.
Best route?? 17 E is boring.. boring boring boring.. Maybe because I have traveled it almost every year and know it km by km.. 17 N is incredibly scenic to Wawa. Probably done that route over 100 times but never tire of it. 129 is an ok drive but nothing spectacular. 101 is a well travelled road.

If you can try not to aim for the fastest time.. part of the journey IMO is getting there
Ok, we'll see how my time is running. If I have time, I'll head up the shore. Come to think of it, when we went through there in 2017, it was getting dark and raining so we missed a lot of the scenery after Wawa. I'll have to lay over in SSM or shortly thereafter.

I see that Google Maps shows the fastest time via 556 (gravel), with 17N through Wawa as 6 minutes longer, and 17E to 129 as the longer of the 3 routes by 9 minutes. I guess I'll take the shore route (17N) and avoid the gravel. I'll likely be up and down 129 during my visit so that will work out fine.

Thanks for the input.
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It would be a shame to miss out on doing even a little exploring along 17 north. Day hikes are worth the time to stop overnight, or for longer.
BF we have to point out a little reality check.. You have noted few roads. When an accident happens it often closes the entire road.. Don't care if its 17 556 or 129. The road can be closed for yours.. When in this country you do not measure minutes. You may start in one direction and be five hours late and try to figure out another route from wherever you are stuck. While there are passing lanes on 17 you can still be behind logging trucks and forced to go their speed. Worse on 129.
I was supposed to meet people in Armstrong coming from Toronto.. They were ten hours late due to an accident on 17.
So please try to construct a realistic driving schedule and enjoy the ride.. If you do go down 129 it would be a shame to miss Aubrey Falls.

I would also encourage you to do a short canoe outing out of Sinclair Cove to view the Agawa Pictographs from the water side. That is of course if the Lake is calm.