I still really want something to train and restrain a folded open Belknap’s River Guide.
I’m thinking of DIYing some kind of long, narrow double-clipboard for just that purpose. I’d still need a map case for my non-waterproofed paper topos and other maps, but it would be handy to have a Belknap’s guide held folded-open on a map board.
A map board would hold a Belknap’s unflappably, make it easier to changes pages and be easier to read without the “clear” vinyl map case smear that becomes increasingly obscured when rain or splash covered.
I wanted something thin, lightweight and waterproof for the Belknap’s backboard. I have a stash of Coroplast corrugated plastic yard signs salvaged from the dump last election cycle*.
They are the near perfect size to hold open a folded out Belknaps, 17x6 inches.Two cuts and I have the perfect backboard dimensions, made from lightweight freebie material.

I might as well cut out a few while I’m at it. Very patriotic; Maryland State Flag and a bit of Stars and Bars. I wonder if the latter was a subliminal campaign message.

Now, how to secure the Belknap’s Guide to the board?
I use binder clips for a variety of things in the shop. They worked well hold the map in place securely and made it easy flip pages. But they would rust, and I’d lose them, or at least one of them, which would make the map board useless.

Maybe something elastic. Rubber bands. I usually have some rubber bands along on a trip. Those work, but they are a PITA to grasp when changing pages.

Ok, something elastic that is easy to grab. Well DUH, tarp bungee balls.

That was seriously way too quick and easy. I may stick a grommet or two through the board as attachment points, but that bit of Coroplast KISS does the trick.
*Those Coroplast campaign yard signs are worth saving from the landfill, which is where they go en mass after an election. At our dump there is a specified date for campaigns to dispose of their yard signs.
Coroplast is great for cutting out templates and trial designs with a band saw or razor knife. You can pick up a lifetime supply for free at the dump post-election, and if your screw up a template just toss it and try again.
OK, I didn’t even need to go to the dump on yard sign day. I chatted up a friendly campaign worker who stopped by the shop and he promised to bring me some after the last election. I should have specified how many.
He dropped off a truckbed sized bundle, which was quite a few more than I wanted or needed.