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Aurora (northern lights) may be visible further south tonight, maybe tomorrow...

Oct 16, 2016
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Bancroft, Ontario, SE Algonquin
Forecast to be cloudy here, maybe clear tomorrow night. Auroras may be visible as far south as the Great Lakes, New England, and the US-Canadian border further west. In the past these aurora forecasts haven't been all that great, but maybe this time.... there's a map below.


Here's the sunspot that's now pointed at the earth sending the flare of atomic particles to create auroras:

I've been watching this for a couple days, we're on the southern edge, but major hill elevation to the west and north so I'm not counting on much of a show.
I have never seen them. I even changed my ADK trip plan on the way there once after hearing on the radio that there was going to be a show -to camp on the south shore of a lake to see them-no luck.
MDB and I kept watch last night until bedtime, no displays, but it was a nice summer night.
The most spectacular aurora I've ever seen was from the beach of site #12 on Little Tupper Lake. This was during a very dry season with a campfire ban. If not for the ban, we would have been tucked in around a campfire. Luckily, we propped our chairs at the waters edged and enjoyed the sunset, and soon after, an incredible display with waves, curtains and shooting rays! Purples, greens, reds...it went on for nearly an hour!

That's nearly 20 years ago now, but if I close my eyes, I'm back there in an instant, with the love of my life by my side and that fantastic display overhead...
Stripperguy, so far there aren't any news reports of spectacular auroras being seen last night but maybe it's still early. Cloudy weather here last night, in the past there may have been a glow to the north after forecasts for a display, but nothing like the curtains and streamers cascading down overhead when there's a really good show on.

This might be a better forecast to watch than what's on the popular news reports which could be pumping up the news to generate interest for more viewers... the forecast aurora oval isn't very far south at the moment, and nothing in red which I suppose means not very spectacular. UT is four hours ahead of EST, so 12:35 UT is 8:35 EST.

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I should be able to see them, I live far enough North that they are overhead. The only problem is that I am far enough North that it doesn't get dark enough to see them. Back when I was raising Morgan horses, I would go out late at night in the winter to give them a late night snack to keep their internal fires burning. I loved standing in the middle of the herd smelling their good horse smell while watching the Aurora.
Thanks for the good interweb sites, I like all your good tips on these pages. I am still going back to the Sig Olson ones you told us about.
YW, BB, and thank you for your kind words. The internet's a pretty cold place usually, and the thoughts and ideas here really do help.

My aurora experience while in the middle of something else wasn't in a herd of horses, instead while getting some fast food in Moosonee on James Bay. People were standing around the take-out having their fries while this great display of northern lights was going on overhead. Looking like, yeah, yeah, this happens all the time up here... still, people were hanging around, no hurry to leave. I guess I was far enough north that time.
On the camping trip I mentioned I actually set up my clark hammock so I could see the north sky,and looked many times through the night.