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April 7 to April 14, San Juan Trip

Feb 3, 2016
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White Mountains Arizona
I picked up a left over permit Fri. :- )

Putting in at Motezuma Creek UT at noon and taking out at Clay Hills about the same time. Self supported canoe only trip with no group planning (show up ready to boat) Except my wife is shuttling and would get folks back to their vehicles from Clay Hills.

Vehicles can be safely left at Val's at Mexican Hat with a fee.

I need to know by April 1 to get you on the permit, it's $30 to the BLM.

Right now the San Juan is running around 1200 cfm which puts the lower canyon a solid class II-III and expect wind. That's likely the water in April, but it could go up or down of that. If it goes up, we'll have some sporty water :- )

Weather will be mild high 60's during the day and 30's at night with lots of time for off river hiking, which is my main attraction.
Just got notice from Silas at the river office the lower canyon reserved camp will be "Slickhorn A"

Thats a good camp, Slickhorn Canyon is iconic San Juan hiking. I also plan on hiking Recapture Creek (first night camp), Butler Wash, Johns Canyon, Honaker Trail to the rim and will tramp up Chinle Wash. In the lower canyon I also want to check out Oljeto Wash.

There's good descriptions of all these places on the BLM website.
This sounds like a good trip. I might can pull it off and I'd love to see the San Juan. My summer is unfortunately getting crowded already, so this may be my only shot West until Jan. 2017.

We won one Salt River permit but there won't be any water in it by the time they get there, so I believe this group may head to Oregon. I can't do Oregon in June and then turn around for Grand in January. (I'm a working stiff and have to squeeze in a family reunion this summer up in the big city as well as a 25th wedding anniversary...)

So here's what I'm hearing: 84 miles self-support canoe ONLY over 7 days. Show up with gear at Mexican Hat (4/6?), stow car, shuttle to Montezuma, paddle to Clay Creek (4/7-4/14), shuttle bunnied back to Mexican Hat for car (4/14)? Show up for work again 4/18. Do I have all that right?

Looks like it's got a little water right now but it's definitely trending downward.

Let me study and make sure I'm looking at my work schedule correctly.
Yep, thats it in a nutshell :- )

So far it's only 7 days because thats how the left over launch permit and lower canyon reserved camp worked out.

Even at lower water 7 days isn't really rushed, the SJ is a fast river. Canoes make it faster yet. Total trip miles is actually 103 miles. I'm putting in above the BLM administered section and plan on first night camp and hiking at Recapture Creek. Google it :- ) and signing in at Sand Island on my launch date April 9.

Presently the only other 'hard' date is the reserved camp at Slickhorn 'A" on April 13. All the lower canyon camps require a reservation and thats what I have now.

If you are coming for sure I can poach another reserved camp and legnthen the trip :- ) I need to know by the middle of March though and it just requires a camp vacancy (there will be). Most of the reserved lower camps are good hiking stops so I don't sweat it.

The only thing I can't change is the Sand Island check-in/launch date :- )
Too bad about your Salt trip I had one locked on too, but same story - (

Even the Gila drainage is dropping out fast which is why I poached a SJ. Doing the Gila for sure come monsoon season though. I'm happy I'm getting in a SJ this spring I'm busy myself getting a flip house ready for sale.

Some times it's tough being a SW river hippy :- )
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I'm loath to report that I'll not be able to make the San Juan on April 7. I'm unfortunately juggling too many balls for me to make a clean break for two weeks right now. I have nonetheless ordered my handful of books for study and the river will now be in my headlights.

I shall have to comfort myself with east coast runs for the springtime surge.

Thanks for the invite!
****03/09 UPDATE****

Trip is now 04/07 to 04/18

Put in at Montezuma Creek, UT take out Clay Hills, UT.

Trip gets stretched because I was able to secure lower canyon reserved camping at Slickhorn Canyon and also Oljeto Wash :- )

Right now the river is running about 1200, which is the historical average. Historical average for April is 2000. River office folks said they expect at least historical average to continue.

They are also expecting 5000 in June/July, wife and I are working on another permit, but it will be a cataraft trip. At 5k it gets kinda Grand Canyon light in there :- )