Saturday proved to be an outstanding day ! Alan invited me up for a paddle, We started in Alan's shop. I knew he had fresh wood on the forms. A little 14' solo. Thin strips and you can count on it being light !
The plan was made to paddle the West Branch Des Moines, down from Minnesota, to Estherville. An absolute great day to be on the river. Even though we got a late start, 11:00 AM. The wildlife seem to be waiting for us ! Eagles, Mink, Wood ducks, Canadan Geese and no less than 20 deer, mostly does and yearlings. Alan knows his birds too !
Nearly to Estherville, we pulled over for lunch. Alan broke out a stick stove, and whipped up some Bannock. It was good ! But don't tell Alan ! Mine is better ! Ha ! Mine is usually burnt ! Alan did a fine job ! You could tell he'd cooked his share of bannock !
Here's some pics. My old Pearl, and Alan's new Barrens.
It sure doesn't take Alan long to put a hull together !!!
Sadie supervising Alan's cooking.
Sadie says, Come and Get it !
It's always fun tio see others paddle your boats !
Alan and Sadie in Barrens
I really like how Alan sets up his canoes. The seats adjust easily, and are comfortable, and is so simple and simple to adjust !
All in all a fine day on an Iowa river !
Thanks for inviting me up Alan !
The plan was made to paddle the West Branch Des Moines, down from Minnesota, to Estherville. An absolute great day to be on the river. Even though we got a late start, 11:00 AM. The wildlife seem to be waiting for us ! Eagles, Mink, Wood ducks, Canadan Geese and no less than 20 deer, mostly does and yearlings. Alan knows his birds too !
Nearly to Estherville, we pulled over for lunch. Alan broke out a stick stove, and whipped up some Bannock. It was good ! But don't tell Alan ! Mine is better ! Ha ! Mine is usually burnt ! Alan did a fine job ! You could tell he'd cooked his share of bannock !
Here's some pics. My old Pearl, and Alan's new Barrens.
It sure doesn't take Alan long to put a hull together !!!
Sadie supervising Alan's cooking.
Sadie says, Come and Get it !
It's always fun tio see others paddle your boats !
Alan and Sadie in Barrens
I really like how Alan sets up his canoes. The seats adjust easily, and are comfortable, and is so simple and simple to adjust !
All in all a fine day on an Iowa river !
Thanks for inviting me up Alan !