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A Day with Alan and Sadie

Feb 14, 2015
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Saturday proved to be an outstanding day ! Alan invited me up for a paddle, We started in Alan's shop. I knew he had fresh wood on the forms. A little 14' solo. Thin strips and you can count on it being light !
The plan was made to paddle the West Branch Des Moines, down from Minnesota, to Estherville. An absolute great day to be on the river. Even though we got a late start, 11:00 AM. The wildlife seem to be waiting for us ! Eagles, Mink, Wood ducks, Canadan Geese and no less than 20 deer, mostly does and yearlings. Alan knows his birds too !
Nearly to Estherville, we pulled over for lunch. Alan broke out a stick stove, and whipped up some Bannock. It was good ! But don't tell Alan ! Mine is better ! Ha ! Mine is usually burnt ! Alan did a fine job ! You could tell he'd cooked his share of bannock !

Here's some pics. My old Pearl, and Alan's new Barrens.


It sure doesn't take Alan long to put a hull together !!!


Sadie supervising Alan's cooking.


Sadie says, Come and Get it !


It's always fun tio see others paddle your boats !

Alan and Sadie in Barrens


I really like how Alan sets up his canoes. The seats adjust easily, and are comfortable, and is so simple and simple to adjust !

All in all a fine day on an Iowa river !
Thanks for inviting me up Alan !

It was a spectacular day and always fun to swap boats back and forth. First time I've ever spent any length of time in Jim's original Pearl. Very nice boat and perfect for this sort of paddling. Great blend of tracking and maneuverability. Friendly to paddle.

I forgot to take my camera out of my pocket and only managed to get one picture.

20170422_001_1 by Alan, on Flickr

Oh boy, liquid water. Thanks for the pics, hope to be doing the same soon!

Yeah ! I truly feel sorry for you Northern People, sometimes ! But when I see pics of crystal clear water, the kind you can reach down with a cup, and drink ? I'm in total envy ! Not to mention the Beauty of your landscapes. Soon ! Just hang in there !!!

When I get a whiff of a Hog confinement, and I wonder what I'm doing here in Iowa, where hogs out number people 4 to 1 !

That said ! We had a super day !

Nice pic Alan ! I truly need better photography equipment !

That Barrens is a pretty substantial looking boat. Sadie looks rather comfy up front. A pretty good day all around by any measure.

That Barrens is a pretty substantial looking boat. Sadie looks rather comfy up front. A pretty good day all around by any measure.


Alan's Barrens can handle white water ! Earlier in my neck of the woods, Alan put Barrens through a rapids, I wouldn't even entertained, and did it with ease.
Guess we'll have to find some tougher water for Alan !
I know he's looking for some Wilder water ! I may be the Shuttle Driver !

Looks like you had a great day in the shop and out on the water. That bannock looks pretty darn good. Yum
Alan's Barrens can handle white water ! Earlier in my neck of the woods, Alan put Barrens through a rapids, I wouldn't even entertained, and did it with ease.
Guess we'll have to find some tougher water for Alan !
I know he's looking for some Wilder water ! I may be the Shuttle Driver !


You guys should come on over to the ADK's!! The Boreas, Indian, Cedar, Rock and Hudson rivers are ripping!!
You did say you were driving, right Jim?
You guys should come on over to the ADK's!! The Boreas, Indian, Cedar, Rock and Hudson rivers are ripping!!
You did say you were driving, right Jim?

I meant I would shuttle, and NOT paddle ! At least not until it was comfortable temperature to swim !!!
Whitewater came along TOO late in my life :rolleyes:

I meant I would shuttle, and NOT paddle ! At least not until it was comfortable temperature to swim !!!
Whitewater came along TOO late in my life :rolleyes:


Exactly...you shuttle Alan to the ADK's!!
Better hurry, the high flows only last a few more weeks.
Let me know when you're coming, Ill give you the nickel tour.