"With a devoted corps of year-round paddlers, seasonal weather ranging from mild to wild, and a surprising diversity of environments and exposure, Toronto Harbour ranks among the top spots for urban kayaking in this major metropolis."
1 The Toronto Islands
2 Ferries
3 Classic little back route
4 Hidden Pond
5 Lighthouse and Trout ponds
6 Gibraltar Point Lighthouse
7 Trout Pond portage
8 Surf zones
9 Gibraltar Point Beach
10 Western Gap
11 Hanlan’s Point Beach

11 Alluring Things Paddlers Can Find In Toronto Harbour
With seasonal weather ranging from mild to wild and surprisingly diverse environments and exposures, Toronto Harbour is a great spot for urban kayaking.

1 The Toronto Islands
2 Ferries
3 Classic little back route
4 Hidden Pond
5 Lighthouse and Trout ponds
6 Gibraltar Point Lighthouse
7 Trout Pond portage
8 Surf zones
9 Gibraltar Point Beach
10 Western Gap
11 Hanlan’s Point Beach