• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

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  1. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

    Unseasonably warm temps here in MN. This is a strange lake. Entire shoreline lined with drowned trees. Lake elevation has changed quick and drastic at some point in the past. Came across this "sunk" cabin.
  2. mwaalen

    Jim Henry is back and just designed a canoe for Adirondack Canoe Co.

    Very cool! As for me I totally get the cult following and love my two '90's MRs.
  3. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

  4. mwaalen

    Any Advice On 8-10 Day Wabakimi Route

    Copy all that on bears and clothes. I think we are ready. Counting down the days...
  5. mwaalen

    Any Advice On 8-10 Day Wabakimi Route

    Thanks for the insight Gamma1214. We are packing more clothes this trip for sure. Actually adding a 3rd pack with the upside of having the collective load spread out. No more 60lb packs.
  6. mwaalen

    Any Advice On 8-10 Day Wabakimi Route

    Another Wabakimi question...We are most used to late summer water temp in Quetico and spend the entire trip with wet feet however never a problem. Any thoughts on this approach for Wabakimi the 1st two weeks of Sept?? Would it depend on the route?
  7. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

    Great photo. Is anyone else getting the feeling of cold rain just starting to somehow find it's way down the back of your neck?
  8. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

    White Ash, Butternut (canoe) & White Pine (center shore)
  9. mwaalen

    Where Are All The Canoes?

    The flip side is that any job involving organizing, managing, communicating, persuading, is a real butt-kicker. More so than physical work which is end-of-day rewarding for anyone, regardless if they finally earned their first blister. In speaking with someone recently on the Thrillcraft...
  10. mwaalen

    RIP Dan Cooke

    I had the pleasure of borrowing one of his food packs years back for a trip and ordered one of my own immediately upon return. Last year I called to order a hybrid pack and had Dan on the phone for a brief spell and then ended up speaking with his son, I believe. For me it was like a brush with...
  11. mwaalen

    Where Are All The Canoes?

    They've been replaced by Thrillcraft by the masses that would rather not respect nature...nor connect with themselves. The 4th holiday is in full swing here just 3.5 hrs SW of Ely and those who like the silent sports pretty much stay indoors. Saw a Coleman camper the length of a train yesterday...
  12. mwaalen

    Any Advice On 8-10 Day Wabakimi Route

    In the beginning stages of planning on a tandem trip this early Sept or thereabouts. Looking for any advice or suggestions given the following...Have not been in this partucular park. Will most likely enter the South side via rail. We will avoid all whitewater if possible. A mile-long portage is...
  13. mwaalen

    Wabakimi Pike

    Beautiful fish! Northerns AKA "Slimers" taste entirely different depending on the waters they come out of. We came to relish them in the Canadian waters, certainly over lake trout, but not so much south of the border where they could taste...well...fishy.
  14. mwaalen

    PFD Zipper vs Buckles

    Finally made a decision to order a NRS Ninja as during a little swim the other day struggled to get my existing vest off due to limited shoulder mobility from injury/operation. This kinda sealed the deal for me thinking a side-entry like this would be easier/quicker. Looks like they have at...
  15. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

    Wow. That photo is impressive! The southern half of the state is getting overwhelmed with rain but the north has had a real spring with clouds, timely rains, & gorgeous evenings as apposed to the past number of years going from hard winter to excessively hot, dry, & windy in the matter of a...
  16. mwaalen

    Defend your food barrel?

    Thanks for the comments on Wabakimi as just started researching for our first trip there scheduled for this early fall and bear concern has been one of my questions as don't remember the last time I've hung a food pack. Instead I cover ours with a thick trash bag which is tucked tightly...
  17. mwaalen

    What is your most DISLIKED tree and why?

    I second the Jackpine for two reasons having lived with a yard full of overly mature ones. One reason being mowing under them is like mowing a field of golf balls with their hard cones. Shoot one into a tree trunk and it is bound to ricochet into the side of your head...in the same place it hit...
  18. mwaalen

    Paddling deaths increased in 2023

    I am really second-guessing my new Fleet-Farm zipper model. Thanks to all those that keep reinforcing this. This song comes to mind when it comes to taking risks. The cover art certainly does not blend well with silent sports like canoeing but great tune none the less!
  19. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

    Thanxsomuch Dirigo but I take no credit as this type of scenery is everywhere around me. Get out of town 2 miles, point-&-shoot. Then swat mosquitos and pick wood ticks the entire trip home.
  20. mwaalen

    Paddling deaths increased in 2023

    This same thought has been in my mind a lot lately with a discussion on PFDs and the BWCA Curtain Falls incident. Caught 2 minutes of the story from MPR this AM on the way to work. Here is the link...