• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. PaddlingPitt

    Throwback Thursday Photos

    Here’s me leading our canoe club’s day trip down the Chilliwack River, about an hour east of Vancouver, in 1989. At least I think it was 1989. Could have been in the early ‘90s.
  2. PaddlingPitt

    Trade Wars to Affect Tripping?

    I agree, black fly. I don’t anticipate “significant” Canadians, such as past PM Trudeau or new PM Mark Carney coming to trip in the US. But what about less significant Canadians such as me or Mem? I wouldn’t want to pay too much of a tripping surcharge!
  3. PaddlingPitt

    ​Favorite camp games?

    These are al great responses. I have been hesitant to respond. If asked why Kathleen and I pursued wilderness tripping, playing games around the campfire would never have occurred to us. We pursued wilderness tripping to immersive ourselves in the pristine environment. Playing games would be...
  4. PaddlingPitt

    PortagePal to carry paddles and fishing rods

    I think it would be useful for carrying skis and ski poles.
  5. PaddlingPitt

    PortagePal to carry paddles and fishing rods

    Another image of my PortagePal with a paddle secured in the right hand side sleeves of her Duluth Style canvas pack. The “problem” of portaging paddles was solved many decades ago! Best of all, this solution is hands free!
  6. PaddlingPitt

    PortagePal to carry paddles and fishing rods

    Here’s my PortagePal. No problem carrying the paddles to the end of the trail. We can also pack and secure more paddles in the side sleeves on either side of the Duluth style canvas pack. I don’t see how adding an extra piece of equipment would be helpful.
  7. PaddlingPitt

    Trip Recommendations in Northern Sask

    Are you familiar with Laurel Archer’s book? https://www.amazon.ca/Northern-Saskatchewan-Canoe-Trips-Wilderness/dp/1550463691
  8. PaddlingPitt

    Whitefish & Lynx Lakes, NWT: 2022

    You don’t have to go all the way to the Barren Grounds to see wolves. Perhaps you can find something more accessible and less expensive further south.
  9. PaddlingPitt

    Whitefish & Lynx Lakes, NWT: 2022

    It’s going to be very expensive. I wish you success.
  10. PaddlingPitt

    Whitefish & Lynx Lakes, NWT: 2022

    Bruno, These people might also be helpful. https://petersonspointlake.com/
  11. PaddlingPitt

    Whitefish & Lynx Lakes, NWT: 2022

    Are you Bruno D’Amicis? You’ve taken some truly impressive images! As you probably gleaned from my Trip Report, there is no one operating out of Tundra Tom’s base camp any more. I know that Tom used to take his clients to some nearby wolf dens, but I don’t know where they were. In another...
  12. PaddlingPitt

    How to Get Heavy Ice Out of a Canoe

    When I saw the picture, I said to myself, “that looks a lot like a timber hitch.” I looked it up, and found that a Killick Hitch is a Timber Hitch in conjunction with a Half Hitch.
  13. PaddlingPitt

    Sharing your location dot with spouse

    Here’s one of the many images I have of “sharing my location dot” (spot) with my spouse. This one waiting for our pickup on Lynx Lake in the Northwest Territories: our last wilderness canoe trip in 2023.
  14. PaddlingPitt

    Whistling Away Wolves

    In our early lives together, Kathleen and I were backpackers. Every spring, on the May 24 holiday weekend, we packed into British Columbia’s Southern Chilcotin Mountains, soon after the snow had melted. Alpine hillsides were covered in wildflowers. Black and grizzly bears were common, just...
  15. PaddlingPitt

    What do you think about the idea of having vendor forums?

    Myccr has advertisers listed down the side of the screen. It irritates me. Makes me reluctant to view the site.
  16. PaddlingPitt

    What do you think about the idea of having vendor forums?

    Kathleen and I have self-published three books on our wilderness adventures. Does that qualify us as vendors?
  17. PaddlingPitt

    Whistling Away Wolves

    Kathleen and I always preloaded the pen, in its position ready to activate. Just in case we needed to use it immediately. We were never charged, though, so didn’t need it to be preloaded. We had plenty of time on those two instances when black bears wandered into camp. And, we also had bear...
  18. PaddlingPitt

    Whistling Away Wolves

    It’s the size of a stout pen. If you prefer, wear it on a string around your neck, tucked into your outer layer.
  19. PaddlingPitt

    Whistling Away Wolves

    Bear Bangers are small, light, make a lot of noise, and easy to use. I have scared off bears and coyotes. Have never used one on a wolf, but I expect it would work.
  20. PaddlingPitt

    Peeing in one’s canoeing shorts

    In 1990, Kathleen and I paddled the South Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories, with two other couples. On our first camp on the river, a caribou crossed the river. Half-way across, it peed in the river, which freaked out one of the couples. After that they refused to fill their water...