• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. H

    WCHA and Adirondack Canoe Symposium

    I would like to attend, but visual issues prevent me from driving at this time. It should be a great learning experience and a good time for all.
  2. H

    Hit by a Car on Bike

    Best Wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!
  3. H

    Canoecopia 2023

    while I would love to attend, it is simply too long of a journey from Buffalo, NY
  4. H

    Snow? — Where You Are

    I live near the home of the Buffalo Bills. We have had two significant snow falls this year, 7+ feet around Thanksgiving and our Christmas blizzard which shut down Buffalo for a week leaving 6+ feet of snow and multiple deaths. February is usually a snowy month but we had 60 degrees here...
  5. H

    1500→16→17→18→19→20→21→22→23→3000 Members

    To avoid commercialization i am happy to donate, but I don't know the best way to donate. Please advise
  6. H

    Kevlar Curtis Nomad

    I bought a Curtis Solo Tripper about 5 years ago, paid $600. $1995, even with the few extras, is an extraordinary price. Hold your hands high, just ask what caliber the seller is using.
  7. H

    Aging Adjustments

    At almost 72, carrying a basket of laundry upstairs is becoming challenge. I hesitate to think how i am going to carry a 42 pound canoe up the bank. Paddling is still OK, just a little slower than i used to go.
  8. H

    Canoe themed beer part II

    Re: Cracked Canoe light lager My question to all light beers: Who drank it the first time? I prefer not to drink recycled beer.
  9. H

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to all!
  10. H

    Domain Name Transfer Begins Friday 10/1, Site May Go Offline

    Thank you for all your efforts! The results are positive and will go a long ways to establish the longevity of canoetripping.net,
  11. H

    Poll: How old were you when you got YOUR OWN first canoe (and what was it)?

    My first owned canoe was a 1937 Old Town HW that I purchased in 2006 as a replacement for a 1931 OTCA. The family dispute was resolved, but I still have both boats, along with a Wenonah Solitude and a Curtis Solo Tripper.
  12. H

    2021 Post-Migration Fundraiser is On: Please Contribute!

    PayPal sent. Thank you for your dedication and hard work to keep this resource afloat
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    The first canoe you ever PADDLED and the circumstances

    My Grandfather had a summer cottage (now mine) on a small lake in Susquehanna county in northeastern PA. He purchased a 17 foot OTCA in 1931. That canoe was the first for me. I spent summers there from the time I was 5 until 16. It is still one of my favorite places. Now, my grandkids enjoy the...
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    Soloing while married

    be careful of arriving home too early, you never know what you may find ...
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    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year

    Happy Holidays to all! May your water always be soft, the portages short, and the weather perfect!
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    Site Administrator's Update 10.16.20

    With the increased costs if IT consultation, it is time for another fund raiser. Please let us know how we can contribute to help offset the increased costs of operating this extraordinary resource.
  17. H

    On Craigslist W/C Canoe

    If I didn't already own 2 w/c canoes, I, too, would be sorely tempted to get this canoe. The sailing rig, although additional cost, makes this even more tempting.
  18. H

    Dog Rescue

    My dog, Maggie, a 13 1/2 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, wandered off for 10 days while at my vacation home in rural Pennsylvania. I canvased owners all around the lake, nobody had seen her. I was beyond devastated. I had contacted the animal welfare agencies in the area, no one had seen...
  19. H

    Site Announcement!

    Doug, many thanks for your time and patience with the varied personalities on this board. You were a worthy successor to Robin. I'm sure Dave will do justice to the administration of this informative collection of information and personal insight.