• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. yknpdlr

    PFDs: Class 3 or 5 PFD for Whitewater?

    After I certified in my state's training as a white water/ flood rescue technician, I purchased the Mustang, which is what instuctors and students all used during training. It hangs safely in my canoe shed, awaiting to be called for a water SAR incident, not to be used for routine paddlling.
  2. yknpdlr

    ​Favorite camp games?

    "The cremation of Sam McGee" was always the favorite poem to be loudly and confidently recited totally from memory around a BSA campfire. I always wanted to do it, but there are some guys who put much more heart and emphasis on certain parts than I ever could. That and "The Spell of the Yukon"...
  3. yknpdlr

    easy to cook dinner options

    I have discovered large packages of precooked bacon in BJ's, also smaller packages in local supermarkets. it appears to be 90-95% fully cooked and equally grease free. I have kept it for a couple of months in the fridge at my cabin without any noticeable deterioration. At home, a few slices...
  4. yknpdlr

    Must have medical items?

    Bonjour, Voyageur
  5. yknpdlr

    ​Favorite camp games?

    Pea fun. Think of common phrases that can be used with "pea". Keep it (mostly) clean. For example, here is a select sample list from more than 80 that I have come up with: Can you tell I am a product of the 1960's? If you can think of more, I have probably already listed them. 1. What do you...
  6. yknpdlr

    ​Favorite camp games?

    Boy scout finger game: Arrange 0-5 sticks randomly on the ground or a table, parallel or randomly crossed. "What number is this?" observers go nuts trying to guess the pattern and how it represents any possible number. meanwhile, the stick arranger discretely puts a hand down off to the side...
  7. yknpdlr

    How much safety is too much safety?

    I have two Adirondack 90 mile Canoe Classic race stories: 1. At the end of the famous 2.5 mile extremely winding Brown's Tract wetlands narrow stream leading into Raquette Lake, we pass under a roadway bridge and immediately drop down in faster current over a large beaver dam with a sharp...
  8. yknpdlr

    How much safety is too much safety?

    When racing on the YRQ, there are a couple of times when you and your team are paddling continuously for hours through the entire "night" (it never gets totally dark there in June), At between 2-4AM your alertness and metabolism are at its lowest level point. I can attest that it is possible to...
  9. yknpdlr

    spray cover without snaps or velcro

    I have home made canoe covers done in both ways, I fastened snaps to a Hornbeck (back when they had wooden gunwales), For my races on the Yukon River, we discovered a better choice was to fasten 2 inch wide Velcro (with contact cement) to the outside of the gunwales, both on both on cedar...
  10. yknpdlr

    Whitehorse Yukon - question about shopping for vegetarian foods

    I've paddled the Yukon canoe races, always beginning with five trips to Whitehorse markets to finish stocking up on necessities. I always provided my team with home dehydrated meals for the Y1k, for the YRQ it was mostly up to the individuals on my voyageur or C4 team to provide for themselves...
  11. yknpdlr

    Moose — Stories, Photos, Videos

    The first moose in "modern times" to appear in the Adirondacks were first seen in Lewis County NY in the early 1970's, almost all the way to Lake Ontario. Lewis County has a very extensive dairy cow industry, (the population of dairy cows is twice that of people) with a local massive Kraft...
  12. yknpdlr

    Inexpensive life jackets with decent accessory features

    I have for many years used a Kokotat Orbit PFD. It has enough necessary pockets to hold the mandatory on-person gear required during the Yukon River races. and has served me well for five Yukon races. I forget what I paid for it more than a decade ago. For my nearby local daily paddle training...
  13. yknpdlr


    thanks, guys, I'll pursue the solutions next summer.
  14. yknpdlr


    Alreadfy thought of doing tha, under high pressure from the wife, I may well do that, At 74 this year, I likely cannot continue the high level of exercise to get in there to do the work in winter for many more years. however I do see other much more pitched roofs in the area, far too steeep...
  15. yknpdlr


    My usual winter time allotment to be spent on my indoor Paddlesports Concept2 machine has been overtaken in this 1960's remembrance style winter is being spent on roof rakes and snowblower. My GPS says that I walk a bit over 2 miles while literally wrestling with my 24" snowblower on my lakeside...
  16. yknpdlr

    new Swift Cirrus

    it is not a pack seat. it is a rail mount, able to slide fore and aft for trim (though actively not while seated). Joe made a few of them for racing, which he also uses on his own boat. It also has a slight degreee of forward tilt which is better for race paddling. He mounted an extra block...
  17. yknpdlr

    new Swift Cirrus

    I am very rarely a kneeling paddler. I train and race sitting using a single blade bent carbon paddle, or trip/recreate with a version of a straight wood otter tail. I prefer to have an elevated seat for ease and efficiently of single side paddling. For the previous three solo canoes i bought...
  18. yknpdlr


    It's not a rower, it is a paddler. I first saw a dozen of these machines on display at the US Nationals canoeing in Syracuse a few short years ago. Half were set up for canoe paddlers, half were set up for kayak paddlers, with completely different attachment sysems connected to the base...
  19. yknpdlr

    E-ZPass transponders with cartopped canoes

    I don't know about any such Ezpass experience, since I tend to avoid or rarely travel where such is necessary. But I do know that with a carbon canoe overhead that satellite radio signal has a difficult time punching through to the roof mounted antenna. Not had any problem with wood or kevlar...
  20. yknpdlr

    Is Social Media Undermining and Distorting Actual Wilderness Experiences?

    Yeah, but when FB started it was all about what so-and-so had for breakfast this morning, and how cute her puppy dog is, seeking commentary from anyone and everyone who would sign in to read. I think this forum and a very few others like it are an entirely different category of critically...