• Happy 1st English Child Born in Canada (Jonathan Guy, 1613)! 🍁👶🏼

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  1. Boatman53

    Spring Whitewater Paddling has Begun

    There is a canoe race on the St George river here in Maine this coming weekend. I’m not a racer so I don’t plan to be there. Jim
  2. Boatman53

    Tired of restrictive headnets, try this

    I bought one of those for my daughter in the ADK’s and she said it does work. Now I need to order a couple more for work around the yard. Jim
  3. Boatman53

    Turtles are out

    My daughter sometimes helps with the salamanders. I haven’t seen turtles yet we still have some ice on the ponds but we have two pairs of Wood Duck that come to our backyard feeder and they arrived yesterday. It is quite a sight to see them come walking out of the woods and the walk back into...
  4. Boatman53

    Tree Damage

    I hope they mean start with 100 grit and end with 1000 grit. Jim
  5. Boatman53

    Kite build

    Looks good from here. Jim
  6. Boatman53

    Single Trip Carry Portage Techniques

    Welcome to the campfire Portagewithcerberu, still a chill in the air so throw another log on the fire before you sit down. Jim
  7. Boatman53

    Hornbeck canoes expanding

    I like to think of autocorrect as a small gnome someplace and he wants to be helpful, but is in fact quite drunk. Jim
  8. Boatman53

    Shaving Horse

    Nice thread, not sure how I missed it originally. That is a beautiful shave horse. Jim
  9. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    Yes the unhemmed pair was the right choice for you Alan. Jim
  10. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    They were waiting for you. Pm me your address and I’ll get them in the mail. Sane as before, reimburse me the shipping and make a donation to canoetripping or an animal shelter. Jim
  11. Boatman53

    Crow's Foot Poling Tip

    I would hesitate to cut up a slightly used belt from a belt sander. I’ve done that many times. Jim
  12. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    One pair left, the heavy Woolrich pair. Jim
  13. Boatman53

    Shoutout your local whitewater boat builder

    Robin, I’d like to think his nice wooden paddle was safely tucked away in the boat so it didn’t get broken. Lol
  14. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    A curious thing, I ran a cloth tape around the inside of the Woolrich pants and it measured 35” same as the ‘military’ pants but there is no way they fit me. Although a 36” is loose on me go figure. That said they both have a generous excess material to let them out if you are so inclined. Jim
  15. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    I agree with Glenn. Canoetripping would be a good place to donate to. Alan you already contribute. Jim
  16. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    I can try and measure the remaining ones but even if they are just a bit larger I at least need room to tuck in the shirt. Jim
  17. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    If I did I’d be wearing them, lol. Just remembered I have a pair of wool knickers of the same vintage. I should check on them as I doubt they fit anymore either. Wool knickers anyone? That is what I wore cross country skiing. Jim
  18. Boatman53

    A La Mer du Nord 2025

    I those look to be bent on the form itself. I was kind of thinking a wilderness toboggan but that gentle reverse bend has me wondering. Jim
  19. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    The Filson pants are spoken for. Jim
  20. Boatman53

    A La Mer du Nord 2025

    What do you suppose is the bending form for, the one under the light on right hand side of the pic. Thanks keeping us up on the progress. Jim