• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. Bothwell Voyageur

    Toothbrush Replacement

    Nothing to do with oral care. I use old toothbrushes in the workshop for all sorts of cleaning jobs that need a small stiff brush with bristles at right angles to the handle. Unfortunately we have now switched to electric brushes and my supply is running out. Anyone have have any suggestions for...
  2. Bothwell Voyageur

    Tobogganing Turtles

    Out for a short trip this past weekend. Paddling a short distance from a steepish rocky shore, we heard splashes as debris rolled down the high rock slab. The cause we found was a largish painted turtle sliding wildly down the rock face, knocking moss and lichen as it went. No pictures as it...
  3. Bothwell Voyageur

    Feast On Adventure

    Paul Shipman, a local canoe tripping friend and enthusiastic chef has written an outdoor cookery book. His recipes are mostly "just add boiling water"; he uses a storm kettle for most of his canoe trips, multi-cultural and above all taste great. We were involved in some of the testing process...
  4. Bothwell Voyageur

    Quetico Campsites- Star Rating

    On a trip to Quetico this summer, the first time we'd been, our trip partners had maps from an outfitter with campsites marked and a star rating for each one. Although at first this seemed a good thing I came to develop a love hate relationship with these ratings We often couldn't figure out...
  5. Bothwell Voyageur

    Back Flushing a Water Filter

    Our Platypus filter clogged on us for the first time yesterday. Fortunately it was the last day of the trip. We had sort of been expecting it as flow had slowed and the lake we on seemed to have quite a high sediment load. Made up a connector this morning to attach the outlet hose to the outside...
  6. Bothwell Voyageur

    Evening with Adam Shoalts- 11/05/2019 19:00 pm - 21:00 pm, Winnipeg

    Come meet Adam Shoalts A Glance at the Life of a Modern Day Explorer Named one of the greatest living explorers and even called “Canada’s Indiana Jones” by the Toronto Star, Adam Shoalts is a professional adventurer. His career has included mapping rivers, leading expeditions sponsored by the...
  7. Bothwell Voyageur

    Wintertrekking.com down?

    Anyone else having problems accessing the site? I was hoping there would be some discussion about WCS attendance but can't get on the site.
  8. Bothwell Voyageur

    Baker Tent For Sale

    There is a Churchill River Outfitter Baker Tent for sale on MEC Gear Swap. https://www.mec.ca/en/gearswap/post/641803 Price seems reasonable.
  9. Bothwell Voyageur

    Spring Special

    Have set up a coupon for canoeing and winter camping gear on my site canoepaddler.net Use Spring10 to save 10% for the month of April
  10. Bothwell Voyageur

    Sexy Weather Website!

    In the eye of the beholder I guess but for someone like me who works (a lot of the time) on GIS maps this one is right up there https://www.ventusky.com/ Still not convinced? an down to the Florida panhandle and watch those wind lines get sucked right in to Hurricane Michael. Goes right...
  11. Bothwell Voyageur

    CCS Lean for sale. Manitoba

    Friend of mine is selling a 2 person green CCS lean https://www.wintertrekking.com/community/index.php?topic=4863.msg44906#msg44906
  12. Bothwell Voyageur

    Bailing Out

    We were out on a short excursion this last weekend, had been plagued by low water and overgrown portages and we decided to bail out prematurely. Unfortunately when selling the route I had let the others know that potentially we could paddle to a resource road and maybe hike to the cars, drive...
  13. Bothwell Voyageur

    Maximum Wind Speed

    Ignoring the effects of wave action, what is the maximum wind speed a couple of average Joe paddlers in a regular prospector style canoe can still make headway? I ask because I have experienced a few occasions when the wind has been really blowing but due to topography there water has been flat...
  14. Bothwell Voyageur

    Pots with Bail Handles

    Bail handles are popular with folks who cook over open fires or wood stoves but there aren't many choices in Canada. Canadian Outdoor Equipment has some of the Zebra pots but although they are pretty goods pots they are very heavy plus, if you want them to nest you have to swap out the handle...
  15. Bothwell Voyageur

    Leather Pouches

    I met with a buddy in Winnipeg over Christmas and we spent an hour or so wandering around Warkov Safeer a shoe and leather supplies wholesaler in the downtown area. They had some 2nds quality deer hide for sale so I bought a few feet to see what it was like to sew. I have not done much work...
  16. Bothwell Voyageur

    One Way Valve for Thermarest Inflation

    I wrote a short piece for the Paddle Manitoba newsletter about making a one way valve to make inflating Thermarest mats easier. http://ripple.paddle.mb.ca/diy-fix-for-thermarest-inflation-blues/ May be of interest to some folk on here.
  17. Bothwell Voyageur

    (Very) Big Canoes

    Paddle Manitoba has recently been given a 34 ft Northwoods Canoe. It needs a couple of the seats replacing but the big thing is that it needs more flotation. They are a pig to bale and anything that can be done to make it float higher could be a real life saver. Has anyone got any experience of...
  18. Bothwell Voyageur

    Wher to Buy Composite Supplies

    looking to repair the abrasion to a couple of tripping canoes so need to buy materials. Would anyone like to suggest somewhere to mail order, small amounts of: dynel s-glass peel ply I would prefer to buy in Canada but if there is a good USA supplier I can have it shipped to Minnesota and...
  19. Bothwell Voyageur

    Free Cordura Offcuts

    Please help! I am disappearing under off cuts of 100d cordura. These are mostly 8 inch by 8 inch squares or 8 by 16s in Ranger Green that come from the packs I make. Each pack makes 4 squares and I make 30 packs or so each year. I should throw them out but I am too much of a hoarder! I have some...
  20. Bothwell Voyageur

    Canvas Tarps- Any Interest?

    Firstly apologies for the commercial nature of this post but I thought this would be a good way to find out if anyone would be interested in buying one before I buy $1000 of fabric. I make and sell a variety of other gear so wondered if this would something worth producing I have been...