• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Rivercane

    Help me upgrade from my current solo: Wenonah Vagabond

    I've had a couple of royalex Wenonah solos over the last several years, and spent most of that time in a Vagabond. It's served me well for general plunking around and fishing, but I'm ready to get something new and hopefully my first composite canoe. My only real beef with the Vagabond is that...
  2. Rivercane

    WTB - A decent composite solo in the southeast?

    I just thought I'd toss out a line and see if anyone in the AL/GA/TN vicinity had a solo that they would part with. I'm ready to upgrade from a RX Vagabond that I've used for years and would like something a little more efficient in composite that would be nice on flat water. If you have...