• Happy International Waffle Day! 🧇

Search results

  1. Microtus

    trial runs

    On a whim I did a first trial run tonight for some trail food, I already had dinner, so it was a snack. I followed this recipe https://www.freshoffthegrid.com/sweet-spicy-sriracha-trail-mix/ . When it came out of the oven it was a sticky mess, and I had concerns that it wouldn't dry up...
  2. Microtus

    Paddles: Shaft Length? Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Grip?

    Of all the goofy things, trying to find a paddle can actually be a royal pita. I've done plenty of reading online (old age retention of said reading is questionable), and feel I'd like to go with a laminate wooden paddle. Remember this is a new endeavor and I'm still gearing up. A Nova craft...
  3. Microtus

    OT Saranac question

    I'm still looking for my first canoe. There are not a lot of choices available on the used market here in the Michigan Eastern U. P. There is an Old Town Saranac 14'6" for sale up in the Soo for 5 bills. Research shows new ones run 800-1000. The main thing that catches my eye is it weighs...
  4. Microtus

    my intro

    60 yo guy from the Eastern Michigan U.P. I moved here from California to retire, grow old and die. My wife is originally from Cheboygan, Michigan and I lived near Cheboygan for a short time back in the late 80's. We needed to escape California and ended up settling in a small town in the U.P...