• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. P

    Symmetrical and Asymmetrical

    Hey guys, Comparing canoes and curious if I’m missing something on this. Looking at manufacturer’s canoe overhead views, and I’m looking at some canoes listed as symmetrical and others listed as asymmetrical. These are all larger 17.5-18.5’ tripping canoes. Note that I am only considering the...
  2. P

    Solitude / Wilderness

    Hey guys, What canoe destinations would you put on this list with a wilderness / solitude feel in either the U.S. or southern-ish Canada that can be driven to and paddled as loops or out and backs? I like having the freedom to not have to reserve specific campsites or stay in designated...
  3. P

    Larger Canoe: Tumblehome or Not

    Hey guys, I’m in the market for a large (17.5-18.5’ or so) canoe for 3 paddlers and gear. I see one defining feature between manufacturers is tumblehome or flare. Some manufacturers offer tumblehome only on smaller models. I see “shouldered tumblehome” being offered as the best of both worlds...
  4. P

    Hand Layup or Vacuum

    Hey guys, Curious what your thoughts would be on theoretically the same canoe - all Kevlar, foam core, epoxy - constructed via a hand layup compared to one of the vacuum processes. In two canoes very close in design otherwise would there be significant advantages or disadvantages in one build...
  5. P

    Composite Materials & Skin Sensitivity

    Hey guys I was curious if anyone that has experience with various composites can chime in on the potential for skin irritation either in raw material form or during maintenance (sanding) and just all around. What I am experienced with would be fiberglass and related splinters / irritation...
  6. P

    Ribs vs. Foam Core Floor

    Hey guys, Curious what you’d go with if you could choose either foam ribs across the floor or a full foam core floor on the same canoe? Kevlar hand layup either way if that’s a factor. Thanks!
  7. P

    “Chalky Epoxy”

    Hey guys, Getting the search narrowed down on a new canoe purchase, one consideration is obviously longevity / maintenance / what type of condition the canoe will be in down the line. For older epoxy canoes I see a lot of references to the epoxy taking on a “chalky” characteristic with age...
  8. P

    Epoxy and Vinylester Toxicity

    Hey everyone, ResearchIng a new canoe buy and looks like these composite canoes use some interesting chemical components in their construction. While it seems that the builders are most at risk and need to be most aware, curious if anyone has any input on the least toxic of the two options for...