• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Woodpuppy

    What is your most DISLIKED tree and why?

    Following on Glenn’s favorite trees post, I figured we need to balance the discussion. My most disliked, outright hated tree is the water oak. They get big, prolifically dropping leaves and debris all their existence, rot from the inside out, and invariably fall in your house or vehicle. Sweet...
  2. Woodpuppy

    Hood loop tie downs

    So my Thule hood loops with the section of hose aren’t going to work in the 4Runner’s hood channels because Toyota places gaskets along both sides. Looking inside engine compartment there are a few occupied and unoccupied threaded bolt holes along the fenders in about the right place for...
  3. Woodpuppy

    Not my sale - Mike Galt Lotus in St. Pete

    FYI - my wife would kill me as I have the Phoenix due later this month or early next. Don’t think I haven’t considered it...
  4. Woodpuppy

    New Cross Post on FreestyleCanoing.com

    https://freestylecanoeing.com/midwest-canoe-symposium-2022/ Can’t wait for my Phoenix to arrive! I want to play too.
  5. Woodpuppy

    “Across the Everglades” by Willoughby, a canoe journey of exploration , published 1898.

    http://ucf.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/ucf:11989#page/Cover/mode/2up I haven’t looked yet to see if I can find a print copy, but I much prefer to read physical books over screens.
  6. Woodpuppy

    Old Town Pack in Winter Haven FL for $300

    Not my sale: https://lakeland.craigslist.org/boa/d/winter-haven-canoe-for-sale/7547435856.html
  7. Woodpuppy

    Bell Merlin II in Houston (not my sale)

    Not my sale, but gorgeous canoe! https://houston.craigslist.org/boa/d/kingwood-bell-merlin-solo-canoe/7535006279.html
  8. Woodpuppy

    Wenonah Wee Lassie FS in Tallahassee FL

    https://tallahassee.craigslist.org/boa/d/tallahassee-wee-no-nah-wee-lassie-canoe/7526679609.html Ooh this has me hot and bothered… $1450 and already in my home town?!? Just not sure my 225-lbs wouldn’t sink it 😱 It’s 10’6” and would be fun as heck, and my kids could grow into it as easier solos...
  9. Woodpuppy

    1994 Kevlar Mad River Courier on Facebook

    Not my sale, but there seem to be a lot of New Englanders here who might be interested. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1158506171370978/
  10. Woodpuppy

    New world record - paddlin’ down the Missouri in a pumpkin!

    Holy cow! He paddled 38 miles down the Missouri from Bellevue to Nebraska City in a >800-lb. Pumpkin he grew! https://rivercountry.newschannelnebraska.com/story/47179645/pumpkin-grower-paddles-the-river-to-set-worlds-record...
  11. Woodpuppy

    Paddle mod / make it my own

    So I have 3 Aviron Clement paddles. They have huge blades, and well, I don’t enjoy using them. They might be worth something, but getting them sold and shipped is a nuisance. I’d really like a Grey Owl Fleetwood or similar, so… I’m gonna make one. Or similar. The subject paddle is a 58” with an...
  12. Woodpuppy

    Happy Father’s Day

    Happy Fathers Day! We’ve got 7 cousins together and it’s mayhem!
  13. Woodpuppy

    Definitely not another Explorer!

    This isn’t going to be a big job, but I plan on doing it right. This week my in-laws who normally keep the kids are traveling and so we parents have to take care of our own kids. So unfair… Luckily I have a fair amount of work I can do from home via Remote Desktop, and I have my field teams...
  14. Woodpuppy

    Wacissa River, FL

    Wonder of wonders, I got a free day! But what to do? Ride the couch and watch sci-fi? Tempting but no. I made arrangements to get on the water. Getting two boats on the truck is a pain. Maybe there’s a better way, but maybe not. Just gotta reach under the boats to get the inside strap around the...
  15. Woodpuppy

    Old Town Pack Canoe in Fruitland, ID

    PSA, not mine but spreading the word: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/685644445970724/?ref=facebook_story_share I don’t know why it’s formatted in Asian characters…
  16. Woodpuppy

    A little paddle maintenance - Bruce Smith & Fishell

    I have gotten 2 new paddles since the holidays, and only used one: the 62” Bruce Smith cherry ottertail. I must say, I really love it. I was surprised how thin the shaft was upon receipt. I didn’t have an expectation I suppose, and didn’t think to discuss it with Bruce leading up to placing my...
  17. Woodpuppy

    Aviron Clement paddles

    Can y’all shed some light on these paddles? I have 3 - 60, 58, and the third is much shorter and I don’t remember the length. It’s at my in-laws’ home. They’re pretty light, but very thick shafts. Are these white water or just recreational?
  18. Woodpuppy

    Kayak or solo / pack boat for work?

    Yes you read that right. For work. Some days I love my job!!! We have a device called an M9 that looks like an overgrown boogie board. It includes the electronic magic necessary to record flow volume (CFM) of a stream, be it river, spring run, etc. We use it for documenting periodic spring...
  19. Woodpuppy

    Canoe seat pads

    I have a canoe with webbed seats (and another on the way) and a couple Wenonahs with tractor seats. I’ve just given away the boat with the composite tractor seat; that’s not why I gave it away, but that seat in particular was the least comfortable seat I ever used. It just did not conform to my...
  20. Woodpuppy

    Northstar Rob Roy on Tallahassee Craigslist

    Not mine, no affiliation but I thought I should put out a PSA! https://tallahassee.craigslist.org/boa/d/tallahassee-2018-rob-roy-kayak/7462349478.html