• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Tsuga8

    How much safety is too much safety?

    Srarting a offshoot thread so as not to hijack this thread, which reinvigorated a ponderance of mine. I've wondered about a Type I when I'm standing up and poling by myself. A friend convinced me I should be wearing a helmet when practicing on moving water. But I also pole flatwater on solo...
  2. Tsuga8

    Kenco Outfitters

    Not many outfitters around me are well stocked on canoe parts, but Kenco Outfitters in Kingston NY routinely comes through for thwarts, yokes, seats, and seat bolts. I just got a replacement thwart from them the other day. They currently stock Nova Craft, Slipstream, and Adirondack Canoe Co...
  3. Tsuga8

    La Voga Veneta

    La Voga Veneta (This is very much related to canoeing, I promise!) I first went to Venice in 2022. Of course, for a boat-minded person the city is quite a destination, despite the rampant over-tourism and accompanying problems (never mind that it’s washing away into the sea thanks to motorboat...
  4. Tsuga8

    Canoeist paddling 6,000-mile Great Loop out of gratitude for life

  5. Tsuga8

    Madawaska Flow and Lower Quebec Brook (ADKs)

    Hi folks, I'm wondering if anyone has been into Madawaska Flow and Quebec Brook recently? This post online indicates the east access is closed for storm damage. Can a person line or pole up the Lower Quebec Brook from the Blue Mtn Rd access point? What are conditions like on Lower Quebec...
  6. Tsuga8

    Drying the inside of flotation?

    So, the short version* of the question is: I got water inside my bow float bag - how do I get it out and dry it to avoid a mold farm? The bag has an inflation valve at the end of a tube and a dump valve that has to be squeezed or have something jammed in to keep it open. I'm trying to...
  7. Tsuga8

    Free Mohawk 13

    Not my listing. @Cheeseandbeans found a free Mohawk on FB, and neither of us is going for it. We don't know anything other than what's in the post. It's on the South Shore of Long Island, NY (I can guess why they're giving away a WW boat living there.)...
  8. Tsuga8

    'new' Bell Morningstar

    Well, prompted by some discussion here and elsewhere, in which it seems that the Morningstar has a small but devoted following as a soloizable tandem that might be a good combi boat for poling and paddling, I picked one up late last fall, a 2002 white gold. I had to tetris all the boats into...
  9. Tsuga8

    New cars: are they as impossible as they seem for cartopping?

    Prompted by comments on 'back when they had real roof racks', I almost hijacked the 'pics boats on cars' thread, but I channelled Glenn and started a new thread instead. I heard from CurlyMoe last fall that his newer CRV has sensors in the grill that bow-straps interfere with, and under the...
  10. Tsuga8

    Composite canoe storage questions

    Well, I seem to have n+1'ed myself into some storage issues for the winter, which has resulted in the following questions: Can you store a composite canoe upright on saw horses, padded with carpet or pipe insulation? Specifically wondering about a white gold Morningstar and a blacklite...
  11. Tsuga8

    Of beavers, wolves, and forested wetlands.

    Interesting study just out from Isle Royale about the interactions among beaver, wolves, and tree composition around wetlands in the north woods. I thought folks here would appreciate it, given the number of foresters, wildlife-watchers, etc we count among our members.
  12. Tsuga8

    West Branch of the Sacandaga (NY) - narrow solo or soloed-tandem with pole?

    Well, after 11 months of owning my first solo canoe, I finally have a short weekend to get away and do my first overnight with it. I'd keyed in on the West Branch of the Sacandaga River and the connected Trout Lake, Chubb Lake, and Good Luck Lake as an area that's a shorter drive for me, and...
  13. Tsuga8

    Morningstar weight?

    Can anyone tell me the weight of a Morningstar in various layups - white gold, black gold, royalex? I realize they can vary a couple pounds depending on seat options, etc. But I've seen claims for the same layup differing by 10 lbs in for sale listings.
  14. Tsuga8

    Northstar deck drainage?

    While at the ADK Canoe SYmposium this weekend, I met a fellow Northstar owner who drilled drainage holes in his decks. He claimed that rot most often appears in the stems where that last bit of water can't escape through those drainage slits farther back on the deck plates once you flip the...
  15. Tsuga8

    The dreaded 'Slidies'

    I often pitch my tent in what seems like a flat spot, or as near flat as I can find, but pretty darn level. But I roll around in my sleep a lot. And invariably, if there is any slant at all, I find myself waking up having slid considerably off my sleeping pad. The combination of the slick...
  16. Tsuga8

    Beavertail paddles for sale

    I have a nice (probably) ash Old Town paddle. I bought it, with another I'm keeping, off Craigslist - the guy I bought them from found them at an estate sale or something so no info on provenance. I posted about restoring the grips on the WCHA forum when I got it, and Benson Gray guessed that...
  17. Tsuga8

    Self-learning to pole upstream - bow control and other tips?

    OK, so I've got a couple poles (homemade spruce and a Hayden aluminum) and a couple canoes (Millbrook Souhegan, Wenonah Heron) I'm working with. I read Harry Rock's and Garret Conover's books, watched the videos on YouTube, etc. I feel very comfortable poling flatwater swamps and can build...
  18. Tsuga8

    Paddle wrapping

    Some folks recommend wrapping a paddle to protect it from the gunnels, or to protect the gunnels from the paddle, or both. I know some use leather, and Shaw & Tenney and Lisa DeHart have videos on YouTube showing how to do it. I reached out to Fishell at one point about buying a wrap to put on...
  19. Tsuga8

    Photo blogs you'd recommend?

    I'd like to work on my photo skills, mostly in the observation and composition realm (as opposed to a focus on gear or post-processing). Can any of you serious amateur photographers out there recommend any blogs or similar that you find useful. I'm just looking for something I can dip into...
  20. Tsuga8

    Millbrook Souhegan vs Wenonah Heron

    I've had a Wenonah Heron for >6yrs now, and feel extremely comfortable paddling it solo (usually with a 65lb dog), standing, poling swamps and flatwater, etc. It has so much primary stability, I can run the front up on a beaver dam, race from one paddling station to the other, and use my weight...