• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. tomo

    for Blackhawk/specialty canoe lovers

    Dave Curtis has a batch of rare and interesting canoes for sale: https://www.hemlockcanoe.com/used--demo-canoes.html
  2. tomo

    Another WTB Swift Raven

    Hi all, Looking to get my hands on a Swift Raven if anyone is willing to part with one or knows of someone who might be willing to sell. I live in Duluth, MN, so I don't see many Swifts in this neck of the woods. Thanks!
  3. tomo

    Deleting a route via the garmin website

    I have created a few routes I want to discard, but when I go to routes and click, hit delete, it gives me a confirm delete message, which I also click, yet the route remains? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. tomo

    last minute albany river shuttle logistics

    Hi all, I'm planning a solo trip on the Albany river, putting in on Osnaburgh lake, and my ride to the put in just fell through. I'm wondering if anyone knows of anyone that could provide a shuttle drop from Thunder Bay to Osnaburgh (I'm coming from Duluth). I was thinking I could perhaps get a...
  5. tomo

    Simple bannock and other reflector oven ideas

    Hi all, I'm planning on a long solo this summer, bringing along a collapsible reflector oven. Though my meals are largely going to be of the freeze dried or mac and cheese variety, I'd like to make bannock and perhaps a few other goodies in the reflector oven. Being lazy, I'm looking for as...
  6. tomo

    Bear bangers and bear spray in USA

    I've been looking around for the pen style bear banger and have so far only found Canadian retailers that can't or won't ship to the U.S. Can anyone link me to a usa retailer?
  7. tomo

    Printing maps?

    I'm in the beginning stages of planning a trip on the Albany river and as I look at the cost of buying the necessary maps, I'm trying to figure out if there's a cheaper approach than ordering $400+ worth of 1:50,000 maps? Any suggestions/ideas would be appreciated. -tomo
  8. tomo

    Dream canoe dream rigging

    I've been wearing out the SRT youtube video as I am enamored with the SRT as a potential expedition river tripper. To that end, in addition to daydreaming about owning an SRT, I'm daydreaming about my ideal rigging. Given the rigging expertise on this forum, I'm happy to have others contribute...
  9. tomo

    solo tent with roomy vestibule?

    I'm looking for a somewhat light weight solo tent that's not a complete doghouse (would consider a lighter weight two person) with a vestibule large enough to sit and cook in. Any suggestions/pictures?
  10. tomo

    York Pack as solo wannigan

    I have been dreaming of The Little North in Ontario, which took me down a wormhole of reading and learning about Camp Keewaydin that trip extensively in that area using wood/canvas canoes and wannigans with tumplines, etc., which made me pick up a copy of Heb Evans' (longtime 'bay guide') book...
  11. tomo

    While we are on the subject of pants...

    What do folks wear for pants in camp? I have an older pair of Wintergreen pants (Ely, MN), but they are quite bulky. Wondering what else is out there that people like? I'm thinking of windshell, etc. pants and not fleece pants...Anyway, would like to hear what others use...Thanks!
  12. tomo

    Need new rain pants

    I'm in the market for a new pair of rain pants and am looking for recommendations. Thanks in advance!
  13. tomo

    WTB: Used Northwind Phoenix in IXP or a Hemlock SRT

    On the market for an expedition river solo. I live in Duluth, MN.