• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Steve in Idaho

    Canoe across America - an interview

    Interesting interview about a two - year journey through 22 rivers.... https://smallcraftadvisor.substack.com/p/canoe-across-america-the-neal-moore?r=3162nh&triedRedirect=true
  2. Steve in Idaho

    Float bags

    My (dedicated poling boat) Millbrook Coho has had 32" bags in it since the day I got it. A couple years ago, when I sold my heavy NC Prospector, I kept the 60" bags that were in it. Since getting the Wildfire, I've had plans to put short bags in it. So I took those 32" bags out of the Coho and...
  3. Steve in Idaho

    Who am I today?

    I have never posted in the thread noted above as "Mason quoted you..." Neither am I quoted there. Am I Chip today?
  4. Steve in Idaho

    Who designed the Sawyer Solo 13?

    And has anyone here paddled one?
  5. Steve in Idaho

    Thinking of making a carbon fiber paddle...

    ....or maybe I should say, " assembling one". I'm thinking about my winter projects, and the idea hit me that since I'm not likely to find a straight carbon paddle on the used market (all but one of my paddles were bought used) maybe I can make one. I read through a thread here about doing...
  6. Steve in Idaho

    Poll: Drill wood inwales or drill kevlar hull for float bag cage?

    A decision has been made. The Wildfire will get a saddle and bags. Saddle design is settled, but I'm indecisive about the bag cage. Two choices - drill holes in the gunwales for mini D-rings, or drill holes in the hull, such as I did in the Millbrook Coho. D-rings attached to the bottom of the...
  7. Steve in Idaho

    Northstar Polaris

    Not mine, and I don't know the seller. Somebody needs to buy this so I can quit being distracted. ;) https://boise.craigslist.org/boa/d/homedale-obo-kevlar-northstar-polaris/7759640181.html I could transport it to North Idaho or anywhere between Boise area and Idaho Falls area.
  8. Steve in Idaho

    Greetings, and a Bell layup question.

    So, yeah, I've been absent from here a long time. Had to trim my online time and prioritize. Apologies for not being part of the discussion here. In the meantime, I've had some adventure and improvement in my paddling skill - to the detriment of my poling skill. Age is also catching up with me...
  9. Steve in Idaho

    Where the heck I've been.

    Hey, everybody! I've been absent from here for a while, because I limited my forum time to the Bushcraft site while catching up on projects and preparing for this summer's trip to Alaska. That trip has been canceled due to the virus disrupting the logistics, so now I'm hoping to do this year...
  10. Steve in Idaho

    Bowron lakes info?

    If things settle down this summer, I'd like to do the Circuit. Never been there, and never paddled (or much of anything else) in Canada. I've got the park's website marked, and started reading it (beginning with the "closed for virus" news). What other good sources should I be looking at for...
  11. Steve in Idaho

    Ketchikan/Prince of Wales Island??

    Anybody here have some good info? We're in the planning stages of trip up the inside passage (by ferry, with RV) next year. Will be bringing a couple canoes along. Wife isn't willing to do anything more than day tripping in the canoe, but I might slip away for a night or two.
  12. Steve in Idaho

    The Green, below Flaming Gorge. ??

    My son and I are discussing a possible short trip on the Green below Flaming Gorge in late March. What we have found so far is three sections below the dam that can be done as day trips or all together - with one caveat.....Red Creek rapids (class III). Of course, that is in the most remote...
  13. Steve in Idaho

    A tool recommendation - SawStop....and maybe other tools?

    I have no connection to those who make or sell the SawStop table saws, other than having bought one. I just have to put this here for anyone who might be in the market for a new table saw. Having had mine now for most of a year, I think I can safely say that I would not consider buying any...
  14. Steve in Idaho

    Vagabond vs Sojourn?

    Looks like I might have a chance to buy a RX Wenonah Vagabond at an attractive price. Can anybody give me an idea if I would be gaining anything, compared to my Dagger Sojourn? I'm guessing slightly less windage, but nothing more...
  15. Steve in Idaho

    Carbon paddle repair?

    A couple of used ZRE paddles came into my possession. One of them has some nicks and dings in the edges of the blade, with a little fabric showing. Should I just fill the dings with epoxy and sand to fair - or should I wrap a thin layer of carbon over the edges first?
  16. Steve in Idaho

    Blue barrel gasket replacement?

    Checking my gear for upcoming trips, I noticed the gasket in one of my 30l barrels is getting little checks in it. I see a leak is immanent. Anybody know a source for replacement gaskets? Or am I going to have to fabricate something?
  17. Steve in Idaho

    The Home Depole.......end of an era?

    The last closet rod I bought from Home Depot was a piece of hemlock. They had switched their stock away from fir. Hemlock is lighter, but doesn't lend well to canoe poles, because the slightest runout in grain tends to peel loose into sharp edges. It's usable, but not ideal. In a recent rip to...
  18. Steve in Idaho

    Winter badness pool, anyone?

    I'm not sure how one would measure it, but now might be a good time to make guesses on just how bad this winter will be in North America. I'm going to make a bet that this will be a repeat on last year here in the PNW - based on the Farmers Almanac and on the early snow we had on our camping...
  19. Steve in Idaho

    Oh Canada!....

    ....Thanks for the fine weather. We've been enjoying it immensely. I think it will be a while before we can make a boat go anywhere on water, but the skiing is great!
  20. Steve in Idaho

    So, my Zav is too long.....

    I've decided that I should shorten the shaft by at least a couple of inches. IIRC, the ZRE website has some instruction on that, but do any of you have additional tips from your experience?