• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Leave No Trace pledge to pick up trash

    Hopefully, some will find this link of interest: https://lnt.org/earthmonth/ Thanks
  2. Mnoutdoorfunguy


  3. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Paddling humor: one-liners said to you while paddling

    I, for one, could use some humor. I thought it would be fun to hear paddling related one-liners said to us while we have been out participating in our sport. I have three. My wife and I together: A year ago last Spring, we canoed the Headwaters of the Mississippi. Part of the trip was over the...
  4. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    End of season roundup and Litterati

    Another paddling season has ended for us here in Minnesota. The boats and gear are stowed away. We had an average number of miles paddled as well as different bodies of water we were on. That was despite the fact that we didn’t take our normal late Spring trip because of COVID. Our trash pick up...
  5. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    New National Water Trail in Minnesota

    I thought I would share this link about the new St. Louis River Estuary Water Trail. https://queticosuperior.org/blog/paddle-route-in-st-louis-river-estuary-receives-national-trail-designation/ Thanks
  6. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Trangia Alcohol Stove Alternative Strap

    Here is a potential alternative retainer strap for anyone who uses a Trangia 25 or 27 alcohol stove system. The stove system pictured is the smaller 27 in its packed mode. This replaces the webbing and metal buckle strap. Materials: 1/8” shock cord 2-YKK LN-Z key keeper snap hooks or plastic...
  7. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Drone Footage & The Beauty Of The Canoe

    Check the drone footage from The Ausable Canoe Marathon: from approximately minute 7:00 to 10:00. To me, this is very dramatic and beautiful footage that epitomizes what the canoe represents. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. https://youtu.be/wD8AfiNJiBA
  8. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Very Simple Trangia Modification

    I have a very simple Trangia modification for the pot gripper. It is so simple that someone else has probably done it but I am not aware of it. It involves bending the inner jaws of the Trangia pot gripper outward, so that they are even with and on the same plane as the outer jaws. This is done...
  9. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Closing out our paddling season

    The weather has turned unseasonably cold, there is ice on the lakes and we just stored the boats away. It is time for our paddling season’s summary: We were fortunate to be able to start our season with a twelve day Spring trip on the Headwaters of the Mississippi River. Toward the end of the...
  10. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Need advice on replacing Wenonah rivets

    I need some advice from anyone who has experience in removing and replacing rivets in Wenonah canoes that use the imbedded aluminum plates. I assume you might use a bit stop to prevent drilling through the outside when removing the old rivets. Is the remaining rivet body left in the foam core or...
  11. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Northstar Carbon Foot Brace For Sale, New

    SOLD! Thank you very much! Northstar carbon foot brace for sale. We ordered this for the bow of our Wenonah Mn II. It did not work for our situation. Everything is unused except that I did bevel the outer edge of carbon mounts a bit more than from the factory. Fits solo canoes and both bow and...
  12. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Stowing a painter line to the top of a flotation tank.

    I thought that this might be of interest to anyone who has an interest in stowing a coiled painter line on top of the flotation chambers using the vent plug. This provides a low profile and secure place to coil the painter without drilling any holes. I used the loop portion of a 3/4” Mini...
  13. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Solo portage pack, two-piece style

    The I just got a two-piece solo portage pack completed. To be clear, the two piece style is not my idea. It came to my attention from Ostrum’s pack. This is my take on what I think would work well for what I want from a pack. Features: Each pack is 15” high x 18” wide by 12” deep. 420 denier...
  14. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Two new portage packs

    I just got two new portage packs finished and ready for spring travel. My goal was to make lighter versions of the packs I had made before and make some minor additions and corrections. The 420 denier packcloth in this version saved two pounds over the 1000 denier Cordura packs. The bottom and...
  15. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Inspiration & hope about water related trash

    This is tangentially canoe related, but I thought it might interest and inspire some folks. Thanks https://apple.news/AlB8jzH_VSWeGcBRJ21jVFA
  16. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Canoe Portage Pad/Collar For Sale

    Canoe portage pad or collar for sale. $30.00 OBO This is the alpha version which was used for ten days this past Fall in the BWCA for about forty portages. It worked very well. In the beta version, I am making some minor changes in the foam pattern and adding non-slip fabric on the outer sides...
  17. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Personal worst

    The ice is on the lakes, the boats and gear are stowed away, and another season is wrapped up. We paddled 114 different bodies of water, not a personal best. Our mileage was just shy of our personal best, because of a late Spring and not much of a Fall. That being said, we collected over 1500...
  18. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Day trip Trout Lake, Chippewa NF

    We are enjoying a beautiful day trip on Trout Lake in the Chippewa National Forest of Minnesota. Started on Wabana Lake into Little Trout and now stopping for lunch on Trout. It virtually uninhabited except for the very north end. It is fishing opener here but very quiet on Trout. Sorry...
  19. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Boat review: Wenonah Graphite/Ultralite Garbage Scow

    The ice is out in our area, finally. Our second paddle of the season and we got (had!) to try out our new Wenonah Garbage Scow. It is a converted MN II and it performed wonderfully in calm conditions to haul ourselves and over one-hundred pounds of trash from Lake Victoria during a seven mile...
  20. Mnoutdoorfunguy

    Two sets of portage pads make an offer

    Two sets of portage yoke pads sold as a set. Contact me via email: mncampy48@yahoo.com for more information. Can't get the complete text on here.