• Happy 1st English Child Born in Canada (Jonathan Guy, 1613)! 🍁👶🏼

Search results

  1. Boatman53

    Wool pants

    I meant to put these up last month but I don’t know where the time goes. That said I’ve had these probably close to 40 years, longer for the Filson pair. The waist is 32”. First up is the Filson the legs are un hemmed and they have never been worn. The next up are from Woolrich. And the...
  2. Boatman53

    Sven saw history

    I found this video about the development of the Sven saw. I thought it was interesting. I thought I had two but when I just dug them out I found out one is an imposter. The imposter failed to tension the blade and the handle is too short to hold outside the frame. I do like the saw but...
  3. Boatman53

    Drawknife sharpening

    When I was at the Wooden Canoe Assembly I met Robert from the Chocorua, NH chapter and he had made a jig for holding a drawknife to make sharpening easier and more accurate. We had quite a brainstorming session and continued with phone conversations after the assembly. I loved the idea as a lot...
  4. Boatman53

    Wooden canoe FS

    I don’t know when I’ll get to this project so I’m gonna try and move it along. If I don’t sell it before the wooden canoe assembly I’ll bring it there. If someone not in Maine is interested it will be at Paul Smiths in a couple of weeks. It’s an Old Town OTCA, it needs new decks and canvas and...
  5. Boatman53

    Whelen lean-to

    I finally got started on sewing up a Whelen lean-to. Glen if you want this in tents and tarps section feel free to move it. For some reason it took me quite a bit of searching to find the fabric I wanted but this winter I did, 8.5 oz Sunforger fabric plus it is 5’ wide so less sewing for me and...
  6. Boatman53

    Weather eye

    I met up with ArtD a couple of weeks ago and the topic of weather came up and I shared something he had never heard before so thought I’d start a thread. We get so dependent on all the weather news, apps, radar at our fingertips it’s almost hard to remember we can just look outside. When I go on...
  7. Boatman53

    Grayl water filter

    I’m not usually one to write a review, but felt the need to share my experience with this water filter. Sorry the actual product is not here because I threw it away already. I thought this was a good idea but for me it was a big fail. The idea is (and you can look on line for what I mean) you...
  8. Boatman53

    When you can’t help but build a boat

    The first canoe I built I used a shed alongside the old EMS store in Lake Placid where I worked. There was no power, it was long enough for the 16’ canoe but only wide enough to walk on both sides. The lighting was bad, no dust collection and the tools were primitive. It was 1975. I borrowed the...
  9. Boatman53

    Christmas gifts

    Christmas is fast approaching but I was able to carve this paddle out of cherry. It is for the kitchen, stirring those big pots of chowder or stew or whatever. It’s about 18” Long and I think 2 1/4” wide and just shy of 3/8” thick at the hand grip. I’ve made a bunch of simpler versions of...
  10. Boatman53

    Tarp pole modification

    So a couple of years ago I bought a CCS tarp as my old one from the 70’s finally had enough. After the first year using it in the BWCA and how over used the campsites were I decided to buy a pole to go with it so I didn’t have to rely on finding a pole to cut each night, as I said the campsites...
  11. Boatman53

    BWCA trip

    The end of next week I’m heading back to the BWCA and we have booked entry point #14 and have six days to meander around. Any suggestions I’d some place/thing not to miss? Jim
  12. Boatman53

    Sewing projects

    So with all the wet dreary weather we have had lately I haven’t been too motivated to get out in the shop. I decided to do some sewing projects I’d been thinking about for a while. Last fall I bought for little money some Sunforger fabric remnants form a local sailmaker. First I made a duffle...
  13. Boatman53

    Northern lights

    I just read that tonight the Northern Lights will be visible in 30 states. It’s cloudy here in Maine so no chance for me but if anyone gets to see them let me know. Jim
  14. Boatman53

    Reflector oven for sale

    Due to my recent reflector oven builds my big oven is now redundant. So it is up for sale. It was bigger than I wanted at the time but was the only one I could find. Packed down it is 20 1/2” x 15” and the baking shelf is 10 1/2” x 19 1/4”. I bought it from Pole and Portage here in Maine maybe 6...
  15. Boatman53

    Reflector oven build

    This is how I built the reflector oven I recently showed over on the camp kitchen thread. On my very first oven I used aluminum that can be readily purchased at most hardware stores or home centers, the thickness is .022 and although it worked I found it a bit too thin and easily bent or...
  16. Boatman53

    Mason fire box and other musings

    For quite a while I have been interested in the Mason fore box that he talks about in his book Song Of The Paddle. This spring I finally got around to making some. I did buy a cheap sheet metal brake from Harbor Freight and it did work but not great and I could have used a work around. At first...
  17. Boatman53

    Outside canoe rack

    I needed a rack of some kind to store canoes and other boat shaped objects that didn’t mind being outside. The wood and canvas ones are inside. Setting a post in the ground is near impossible here in Maine. I swear there are more rocks than dirt. This was inspired by one very similar for sale on...
  18. Boatman53

    Whelen tent

    I saw this on Craigslist Maine tonight. No relation to the seller. He wants to sell locally and even though I’m in Maine he is still three hours away six round trip. That adds quite a bit of gas to the purchase. Maybe someone further north might be interested...
  19. Boatman53

    Knife making

    I thought I’d start a thread on knife making and try and share at least what I do. Please feel free to add your own experiences to the thread. I’ll try and answer questions as best I can. So far I have not done any bladesmithing but maybe someday. For now I buy my blades from Norway, either in...
  20. Boatman53

    Load stabilizers

    I have these for the square Thule bars, they have never been used. I was given some square tube that I attached to the Subaru roof rails and bought these to go with them but found out these would have to be attached tight where the roof rails are. The straps of course I used and will be keeping...