• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Marten

    Atikaki Prov. Park Manitoba 6 weeks in 2024

    A great trip with great friends in Atikaki, a seldom canoed park in Manitoba. WE fly in canoes to base camp and then groups rotate through. You tube video below
  2. Marten

    Attaching foot pegs to a Wenonah Graphite Wee Lassie Canoe

    What is the best adhesive or mix to use to attach these footpegs...
  3. Marten

    1993 Old Town 15 foot Penobscot Royalex $800

    Located in Northern, Illinois. Stored inside and seldom used. Yes it is a 15 foot Penobscot solo measured at 180 inches. 58 pounds on the scale. thenorthwoodsman10@gmail.com
  4. Marten

    Atikaki P.P. Park in Manitoba-Wallace Lake to Leyond, Berens and Pigeon Rivers

    With all the fires in the upper mid-west and Canada some may be interested in exploring some new unburned canoe routes. This is a report on some of my travels in the area.
  5. Marten

    WCPP Blog with the latest info for Woodland Caribou P.P. in NW Ontario

    http://www.ontarioparks.com/parksblog/woodland-caribou-planner/ Check in often for the latest updates and contacts for information
  6. Marten

    Atikaki Provincial Park Manitoba- Fly-in Basecamp canoe trip videos

    For your winter time medication- view as needed. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_-BxaAXQjwROan83T7Qpg9PrquGxwguz
  7. Marten

    Atikaki Provincial Park in Manitoba, abuts to WCPP in Ont. 8/14-8/29,2018

    https://youtu.be/IsKi1cLq0Dk A lot of talk of fires this year and you will see it in this video from the land of the Caribou
  8. Marten

    Woodland Caribou P.P. 7/21-8/18

    The Wanipigow River had plenty of water as I headed upstream to Siderock Lake where I used the three long portages to Obukowin Lake to enter WCPP at Carroll Lake. The third night I was camped on Craven Lake near the Manitoba-Ontario boundary in WCPP. I planned to revisit a bushwhack route I had...
  9. Marten

    Woodland Caribou P.P. in Ontario Canada

    I have uploaded five short videos on youtube depicting different segments of the trip. Lakes include Olive, Bigshell, Thicketwood, Larus, Murdock, Poodle, Royd , Lightning, Indian House and Hatchet. They are in the recent recent uploads list -June 2014 and will also end up in the Woodland...
  10. Marten

    Woodland Caribou PP portage report from park office

  11. Marten

    Opasquia 2014

    This is in the early exploratory stages but I am serious about getting up to Opasquia, an Ontario Provincial Park 185 miles north of Red Lake, Ontario. There are several options for getting there but none that are already set up. I plan on being up there a month but if others are interested and...
  12. Marten

    Woodland Caribou Provincial Park "Gathering" 2013

    I am planning on going to WCPP in mid-July. I will be there for a month. My travels will be off the canoe routes but will be in the area of Moose and Twin Lakes. Not the place for a gathering but if something develops I could pack light and meet up elsewhere.
  13. Marten

    Video of the 2012 Woodland Caribou "Gathering"
