• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. latremorej

    The Raffle for 2020

    Well Pook, you are not last! Thanks Doug, and thanks to the donors, and everyone who sent somthing in to keep 'er going. Like many others here I am just glad to read through the threads and learn. Water dog has me talked into campfire cooking! My twig stove will jealous! (And my hands clean!)...
  2. latremorej

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    About those circles from post 42 I have seen that before, it happens when a piece of grass is broken over and the wind blows it around in circles. I believe that you can see your culprit in your photo great read! thank you for taking the time to post it here! Jason
  3. latremorej

    Viral memes

    Hahaha! make it divorce #2 and put my head shot on it! Jason
  4. latremorej

    Coffee Cups/Mugs and morning rituals

    Been using one off and on for about 10 years... as stated there are issues with weak coffe and mud. I only use it to strain off the cowboy coffee. Didn't like using it in the pour over configuration. Jason
  5. latremorej

    20 foot freighter canoe

    Wow mem! Have the animals started lining up outside 2 by 2 yet? Any unexplained facial hair? Looks great! Jason
  6. latremorej

    1000 members

    Don't worry, you're not alone!
  7. latremorej

    Old Town Penobscot Models?

    "I am taking Jason’s comment about “unloading” my Penobscot (I would slap him with my glove if he were nearby) to a separate discussion." "It was soloized too fit me and my gear loads like a glove. A comfortable glove" ouch! Glad I'm not in swinging distance of that P16! Yes, Mike, I meant...
  8. latremorej

    Royalex Nova Craft Cronje (SOLD)

    I agree about the need to "lighten up" the load around the house, and the topic encourages some spirited conversion between the missus and I (she watched 1 episode of hoarders and now everything I own needs to be thinned out) but man!, I am pretty sure that I would be looking elsewhere to...
  9. latremorej

    Some TLC for my favourite solo Shearwater

    "or on a really filthy hull DoudD’s magic mix of 50% Dawn and 50% white vinegar, nylon bristle brush scrubbed on, straight 50/50 undiluted. dang does that miracle mix take the crud off." never would have thought of that! I'll have to give that a go on a couple unrelated projects Mike. (And...
  10. latremorej

    Freeze-dried Meal Coozie

    Ha! That is a pretty darn good idea, actually! my cooler 'cover" was actually dual purpose. Since it was simply a flat sheet of reflectix with duct tape edges, the plan was to use it as a sit pad on shore when the cooler could be placed in the shade. Turned out that it became just a sit pad...
  11. latremorej

    Royalex Nova Craft Cronje (SOLD)

    Sorry Mike, I would love to pull the trigger on that bad boy but I have my spray covered Bell Northwind 16'6" in royalex. Admittedly not outfitted as elegantly! Did you unload your penobscot solo'ized tandem? Which do you prefer? Jason
  12. latremorej

    Freeze-dried Meal Coozie

    Mike, I didn't suggest it earlier due to the fact that 1) velcro outside isnt ideal, and 2) I used sticky back industrial strength velcro. But... I had some limited success in making a simple topper from refletix to sit atop my cooler to shade from the sun. I used 4 squares of that velcro, 1 on...
  13. latremorej

    LaVerendrye Fishing

    Good stuff Robin!
  14. latremorej

    South Saskatchewan River in Alberta

    Thanks for telling this story! I'm looking forward to the rest! Jason
  15. latremorej

    Freeze-dried Meal Coozie

    Whoa! That's a big dang coozie!
  16. latremorej

    Freeze-dried Meal Coozie

    Glad it worked for you Mike, I like your wide bottom! I have to lean my version against somthing. All I did was fold it once and made a simple envelope. I'll be using that fer sure. Jason
  17. latremorej

    Coffee Cups/Mugs and morning rituals

    I'm also a big fan of the coffee press. The coffee steeps while I start breakfast. I will drink coffee outta just about anything. Dont need to be fancy. I like my coffee luke warm anyways! Hahaha. In the spirit of dual purpose... my Coleman vacum SS beer can coozie works well as a...
  18. latremorej

    Gunnel notching question

    Robin, I also patiently await the progress photos! I have used a circular saw in the past to painstakingly carve out dado slots, as well as my el cheapo table saw, takes a while but the job gets done! Jason