• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Adk Keith

    Algonquin 5/15 - 5/20/16

    Glad to meet you Martin. Always fun to meet like minded people. Thanks for the insight into the lack of moose, Algonquin PP, etc. Have a good season. Odyssey, I originally thought I'd go mid-June and changed my plans to mid-May and then started to get worried the ice would not be out. In spite...
  2. Adk Keith

    Algonquin 5/15 - 5/20/16

    Thanks all. I did not fish. This being my first foray, I just wanted to camp and enjoy paddling. There were no black flies. I bet the next week was brutal with the temps getting into the 70's. I single carried one 200 meter portage on the way in by placing my day pack on the outside of my big...
  3. Adk Keith

    Algonquin 5/15 - 5/20/16

    Thanks to everyone that contributed to my questions on my first trip to Canada. It definitely helped make the trip a success. After the 8 hr drive from home I stayed in Huntsville and headed to pick up my pass in Kearny early Sunday morning. When I picked up my permit at Kearny the young...
  4. Adk Keith

    Lows Lake 4 day solo video

    Nice video Robin. Really captures the feel. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Adk Keith

    Lows Lake, NY ADK's April trip

    Glad you made it up, Robin. Virgin Timber Landing is a sweet site. I stayed there in my through trip to Inlet two falls ago. I did an solo overnighter last Fall after getting some news I had to digest. It helped me at the time. Best of luck to you.
  6. Adk Keith

    REAL food by a REAL chef and experienced outdoorsman

    Just received my order for the year. I love it that the portions are perfectly sized and the spicing agrees with my palette.
  7. Adk Keith

    Cod Pond Flow - Adirondacks - 4/2/16

    Thanks for all the comments folks. Agreed, they are very versatile footwear. If you do decide to go into Fish Ponds don't try to follow the stream at the trail down to the lake. The first time I scouted this trip I made that mistake. Besides almost impenetrable alder, there were some...
  8. Adk Keith

    Cod Pond Flow - Adirondacks - 4/2/16

    Well the fun trip is to do a through trip starting at Fish Ponds. That's a 2 mile carry to start and a couple of short ones and the 1 mile carry out. There are other campsites.) These are my first real LLBeans. I've had knockoffs in the past. If these (and I) sort of last 37 years, I'll be happy!
  9. Adk Keith

    Cod Pond Flow - Adirondacks - 4/2/16

    There's an approved campsite at Cod Pond, but not a great one. Unfortunately, the hiking trails are snowmobile trails in the winter, so not such great snowshoeing.
  10. Adk Keith

    Cod Pond Flow - Adirondacks - 4/2/16

    I decided to take a day trip Saturday before the cold front moved in and it started snowing. Cod Pond Flow is a favorite because of its relative solitude and the chance for seeing wildlife. When I arrived at the flow after the 1 mile carry I was met with sunshine and blue sky. It wasn’t...
  11. Adk Keith

    Forum Idea?

    Well played Robin, well played.
  12. Adk Keith

    Quote for Trippers

    A favorite of mine: I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Thoreau
  13. Adk Keith

    Compression Dry Bag

    I've been very happy with the Granite Gear Compression dry bags.
  14. Adk Keith

    New Rain jacket?

    I used to have the Precips and they stayed waterproof about 2 - 3 years. I have an Outdoor Research now that I really like. It vents all the way from the waist if you want. one interior pocket and two exterior. Hood rolls nicely into the collar. Of course I can't find the model, but it is light...
  15. Adk Keith

    Video: 7 Days in Algonquin Provincial Park 2015

    Nice video trip report. Really enjoyed it all.
  16. Adk Keith

    Help me plan my first Canadian trip!

    Thanks everyone, Odyssey, Sweeper and Yellow Canoe. The info and insights are very useful. I'm waiting for the paper maps to arrive. I'm going cross eyed looking at maps on my computer. I'm checking out Algonquin trip reports and in general, getting excited for the trip. At this point I think...
  17. Adk Keith

    Help me plan my first Canadian trip!

    Thanks to all.The links have been over the top helpful. I've been looking at maps and trip reports over the weekend. I'm leaning toward Algonquin PP in mid June. I've ordered some maps. YC, are the black flies and mosquitoes any worse than the Adirondacks in June? If not, I'm good to go. Judi...
  18. Adk Keith

    Help me plan my first Canadian trip!

    I'd like to keep the driving to a day or less if possible and around 2 weeks. I didn't mention I am very experienced in the woods so I don't mind going way off the beaten path.
  19. Adk Keith

    Help me plan my first Canadian trip!

    Thanks to the first responders. I knew you folks would add to my options. Keep them coming! Unfortunately, my meeting with the Ripster may have to wait for another time...
  20. Adk Keith

    Help me plan my first Canadian trip!

    I’d like to do a trip in Canada next season and need help in planning. I have virtually no experience paddling outside of the Adirondacks where I live and have never camped in Canada. Flat water only and I’ll be solo if that makes a difference. I am looking for the solitude and portages of a...