• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. PaddlingPitt

    Save the Moose 2023

    Rob, I noticed those two Helinox Ground Chair zeros around the campfire. Are you still happy with them? Here’s your chance to be an influencer!
  2. PaddlingPitt

    Great Lakes Info

    Article made me want to visit the museum. Very unlikely, though, that I will ever be in Toledo, Ohio.
  3. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    Sorry the trip is over. I don’t think I’ve ever read a “normal” person use the word ”denouement.” Only writers in publications such as the Atlantic or the Economist, and even then, not very often. Nice trip. Nice writing.
  4. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    It's difficult to photograph whitecaps. We ended our day early on Great Slave Lake in 2017. It seemed much worse at the time!
  5. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    Headwinds are always challenging. But I never saw any whitecaps. You could have handled more! You had this one in your hip pocket. Well done, I must say.(y)
  6. PaddlingPitt

    Grand Canyon of the Stikine

    Many members of our canoe club in Vancouver have paddled the upper Stikine. Very scenic, and not all that challenging. We were never interested. Not far enough north, and much to likely to endure rain, which I hate. About ten years ago we joined some canoe club members to paddle the lower...
  7. PaddlingPitt

    Inukshuks, Cairns or Rock Piles: What to Do or Not Do?

    Kathleen and I paddled the Thelon River in 1993, and encountered many Inuit structures along Aberdeen Lake. The word “inukshuk” means “in the likeness of a human.” For generations, Inuit have been creating these impressive stone markers on the vast Arctic landscape. Inukshuks serve several...
  8. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    I’m enjoying your somewhat droll writing. Curious about why you call yourself gamma1214 when your name is apparently Steve.
  9. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    Yeah! I forgot about the remembering, which is often the best aspect of a trip.
  10. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    Seems like a real struggle! I have a friend who once commented on my canoe trip story on the Thelon River: “You say you like wilderness canoeing, but exactly when on that trip were you having fun?” After a slide show one time a guy came up to me and said, “Great trip. Glad it was you and not...
  11. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    You seem to lose and/or forget a lot of gear!
  12. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    Just a comment about the previous exchange regarding wet socks. Throughout our tripping career, at the beginning the paddling day, Kathleen and I wore neoprene socks (a.k.a. wetsuit booties) to keep our feet warm while sloshing, wading or dragging through cold water. To protect the booties from...
  13. PaddlingPitt

    Steel River loop- Cheating the Devil

    Glad to read that you found your backpacking stoves!
  14. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    I didn’t want to go there. More problematic than evolution.
  15. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    Mark Twain is one of my favorite AUTHORS. He didn’t simply write about what he saw and did during the day, as a diarist does. And of all the famous authors/diarists you listed, you offer oblique editorial comment only on Charles Darwin. Are you trying to goad me into saying something about...
  16. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    Jackpine Paddle does operate out of Yellowknife, but has been in business only since 2019. Just before his death from cancer in 2019, Alex Hall, who operated out of Fort Smith, as Canoe Arctic for 46 years, handed over his business to Jackpine. https://jackpinepaddle.com/the-alex-hall-legacy/...
  17. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    Thanks for improving my vocabulary, Glenn. I had never heard the word “puissant” before. I had to look it up, and learned that it is not any old adjective, but an out and out archaic adjective. Fitting, as some might say that I am archaic. Why were you discontented with the site, lo those many...
  18. PaddlingPitt

    Cree River Summer 2023

    Thanks for this information, Glenn. But first, I gotta get to Berlin!
  19. PaddlingPitt

    14 Days on the Upper Thelon River

    Tom, I have been worried only two times. The first was on the Thelon River. Bad judgement on our part. See below. Kathleen in italics. By 4:00 pm we had covered 60 km. A cold drizzle began midday, and intensified in late afternoon. We were about 20 km and 3 hours from Baker Lake, riding a...
  20. PaddlingPitt

    14 Days on the Upper Thelon River

    Glenn, It's fair to say that they paddled on the Upper Thelon; but I think most people knowing the the Thelon River would not say that they paddled the Upper Thelon. Image below illustrates that the Upper Thelon lies between the outlet of Lynx Lake, and the confluence with the Hanbury River...