• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

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  1. R

    Jokes and Laughter for the Day

    Where, please, sir.
  2. R

    “Need” a new solo!

    Don't know if you can get a Hellman Canoe where you are but, if you can, I recommend the Hellman Solitude. Stable, hauls a load and I can keep up with my friends in their tandems (although that might be a comment on the speed of the tandem paddlers). https://hellmancanoes.com/the-solitude/
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    Land of Light - Canada's Northern Oasis

    Very well said. I continue to be impressed with your knowledge of plants! Thanks again.
  4. R

    Loons at Davis Lake, Saskatchewan

    I always enjoy listening to loons and I found these videos today so I thought I'd share them. Hope they brighten your winter day. https://photos.app.goo.gl/GZnnPeHMpP14Gju1A
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    Land of Light - Canada's Northern Oasis

    Yes, some look familiar but I agree with Alan Gage that the new narrative is fun and different. Thanks again.
  6. R

    Interesting, Helpful, Memorable Folks You've Met on Canoe Trips

    One year my two oldest sons decided it would be a good idea to participate in the Yukon River Quest. Since Dad has a canoe, paddles, PFDs and the means to haul all this stuff, I became the support person. To shorten the story, we were sitting, enjoying a beverage, in our campsite just outside of...
  7. R

    Land of Light - Canada's Northern Oasis

    Once again, great pictures and commentary. My knowledge of plant identification is very basic and gets "relearned" most years (therefore very little progress is made) so I really appreciated your plant pictures and information. Thanks again and keep posting.
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    Land of Light - Canada's Northern Oasis

    Wonderful pictures and stories! Thanks so much for posting.
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    Video: Waiting on the Wind

    Thanks for the information, RiverRider. I like to keep up on options just in case someone has found the "perfect" pair of pants or the "perfect" pair of boots.
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    Poll: What type of vehicle is your usual canoe vehicle currently?

    2009 Toyota Sienna AWD. 4 people, 2 canoes, gear for a month (or more). Works great.
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    Hanging or storing a canoe off floor in a garage with vehicles

    I have a 2 car garage and have developed a method to hang the canoes over the cars. I built a frame over the doors and added a trapeze for the other end of the canoes. To put a canoe away, I have to move the car outside. I put the garage door opener from the car into my pocket. I close the...
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    Video: Waiting on the Wind

    Yes, I have camped on that island and the barrel was there. The island used to have a lot of garbage. We cleaned what we could and let Ric at CRCO (Churchill River Canoe Outfitters - for those of you not familiar with the area) know about the mess and he said he would get someone to go in and...
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    Light Weight Food Canister

    Cardboard 2 liter (quart) milk container?
  14. R

    Video: Waiting on the Wind

    Nice video. Brings back memories of that trip and also of days when things did not go exactly as planned. Thanks for posting.
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    A Close Bear Call

    I agree with Mason's assessment, too. This bear was testing and assessing the two paddlers. I'd still like to know how they got the rest of their gear.
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    A Close Bear Call

    Really interesting and thought provoking video. Not knowing much about bear behaviour, I wasn't sure if it was just curious as some have suggested or, as others have suggested, aggressive and testing potential prey. I lean toward the aggressive and testing potential prey side. I, too, was...
  17. R

    solo tent with roomy vestibule?

    Ditto on your comments about the tiny vestibule. One of my criteria for selecting a tent has been that it must have a vestibule large enough for me to get into and then close before opening the tent. I've found that in bad weather this is a necessity to allow me to remove my wet gear outside...
  18. R

    Thanks Glenn!

    Thanks so much for getting CanoeTripping up and running again.
  19. R

    Which trip report format do you prefer?

    First, any trip report is a good trip report! Although I really enjoy video reports, they usually lack the detail that I prefer. Having said that, not all "text with pictures" trip reports have a lot of detail. Is that wishy-washy enough?