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Search results

  1. R

    Winter lunch; last canoe of the season

    Very peaceful. I do need to get out more. Thanks for posting.
  2. R

    Happy Holiday To All

    Merry Christmas to all and all of the best (especially best paddling) in the New Year.
  3. R

    News of Alex Hall of Thelon River fame

    Sad news about Alex Hall https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/torn-away-from-eden
  4. R

    Verendrye Circuit 70, August 2018

    You paint beautiful pictures with your words. I'm not sure I am able to slow down to really see and I agree that most people don't want to travel that slowly. Something for me to work on, especially when paddling solo. Thanks!
  5. R

    spray covers

    OMG, someone actually understood my ramblings. Yes, you are correct. I believe that there are better "clips" out there now. The first time you put the deck on, you will have to do adjustments to get it tight but after that, it's easy. With your 3 piece system, it would make putting sections...
  6. R

    spray covers

    I have 2 Northwater Spray Decks with the attachment system that uses the patches on the inside with a loop of lacing that pokes through a drilled hole. I didn't like the time and effort it took to lace up the deck so I changed it to a system that works well for me. First I ran a paracord...
  7. R

    Throwing line over a tree limb, and a recent revelation

    I don't hang my food because of small trees, etc. When I need a line to be up high for a tarp,my most successful method is: find a reasonably long stick with a branch sticking out near the end in a V; clear the stick of unnecessary branches, snubs, etc.; tie a weight to the end of the rope...
  8. R

    If you could have only two canoes. . . .

    Only two? Sooo many boats that I have not paddled. I'd have to go with my Esquif Mistral 16 in Twintex and my Hellman Solitude. The Mistral is a very versatile and tough tandem and is reasonably light and my Solitude is versatile and tough, can haul all my junk and still have reasonable speed...
  9. R

    A canoe for sale with some challenges

    So nobody wants a canoe that comes with two WARS? Not one war but two wars. And it also comes with an anchor. No takers?
  10. R

    A canoe for sale with some challenges

    I posted this over in Canadian Canoe Routes then thought that some here might enjoy. Be sure to read the description.
  11. R

    Overnight Canoe Trip, Trolling Motor and Battery.

    Although wind can be a problem on Maligne Lake, I believe you will be OK to paddle to Fisherman's Bay campsite with your group. Get an early start. Pair up your people to even out abilities, strength and endurance and use the motors as back-up. You could go to the campsite that is 4 km from...
  12. R

    Athabasca River - last paddle of 2018?

    Thanks, Alan and PaddlingPitt. I hope my edits to the original post have resulted in pictures. Please let me know.
  13. R

    Athabasca River - last paddle of 2018?

    It's good to know that someone else has issues with posting pictures. I do have a Flickr account and when I finally learned how to post to other websites, Flickr has changed the procedure. Now, when I try to post to another website, it says that I have to "link back to Flickr" in order to get...
  14. R

    Athabasca River - last paddle of 2018?

    Thanks, for the information. It's the first time I've tried to post images. I will probably need some assistance. It looked like I could just upload pictures but, evidently, I can't so, how do I post pictures? Thanks, Ralph
  15. R

    Athabasca River - last paddle of 2018?

    ​ I thought I'd post a short report about what is likely to be my last paddle of 2018. The trip took place Tuesday, November 13 then we got snow and our ski trails are packed and tracks have been set and I've been skiing. The changing of the seasons. A friend had been up in Jasper National...
  16. R

    Seal River in Northern Manitoba

    Wonderful trip report and wonderful pictures. The discussion of your decision-making and second-guessing was fascinating. Wondering about the route not paddled. Thanks! More please, sir!!! (good use of exclamation marks)
  17. R

    Seal River in Northern Manitoba

    Wonderful pictures and a great story! Thanks so much for posting.
  18. R

    Pots with Bail Handles

    On CCR, Hoop posted a great how-to about installing bail handles on pots. Unfortunately, due to "third party hosting" issues, the pictures are not there. Perhaps the descriptions will be helpful. http://www.myccr.com/phpbbforum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=38215...
  19. R

    Too many boats

    A perfect and truthful song. Thanks for posting!
  20. R

    Describe your seasons and climate

    -31 C (~-24 F) yesterday morning with a wind chill of -40. Today is +5 C (~+40 F)and raining lightly. Anyone for a roller coaster ride?