• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Carp

    Mad River Canoe - Been Nice to Know You

    From what I recall, the story behind this boat is a bit more exotic. Well, at least as exotic as cross breads between different Mad River Canoes might yield. For a short while MRC mad a Royalex tandem called the Freedom which was along the lines of an Explorer with a more whitewater focus...
  2. Carp

    Dedicated screen shelter for cooking and relaxing

    I started carrying a Nemo 9x9 but tarp (aka the comfort castle) and even the most Darius of June trips. It is heavy, but a worthwhile addition. It is possible to setup without poles, but I find it easier to set up with a 12ft breakdown Hayden Canoe Pole and some 1ft extensions.
  3. Carp

    Mad River model question

    It looks far to shallow for a Guide or Courrier. From memory (and 15 seconds of googling to make sure my memory isn’t that terrible) I’d guess an Independence.
  4. Carp

    Photos of Portage / Canoe Carry Signs

    In my experience of the parts of Maine I travel, there isn’t much in the way of consistent portage signage. In fact unless it is a heavily travelled route (I.e. allagash falls) a portage sign is rare. Those that do exist seem mostly rudimentary text. However I did discover this portage sign on...
  5. Carp

    Hanging or storing a canoe off floor in a garage with vehicles

    Seek and you shall find! Not only do I have unloaded pictures for you, but also elevation drawing done by someone with knowledge gained by one semester of high school shop class. For a bonus, we can see Paddlin’ Hal applying the final touches in the fetal position. What more documentation...
  6. Carp

    Hanging or storing a canoe off floor in a garage with vehicles

    At some point one must admit one has a problem, and a garage with a low ceiling. Then one builds a rolling, cantilevered canoe rack.
  7. Carp

    Your canoe trip plans, hopes, dreams for 2022

    Do we have to choose just one? Why can’t we suffer multiple ways?
  8. Carp

    Canoe Cart

    Canadian boat walker/Swedish style/all-terrain super duty… whatever imitation you accept… it’s hard to beat the style for reliability.
  9. Carp

    River Country Products

    FYI you can rewaterproof flies and tarps using silicone even if it wasn't originally a silnylon tarp (or even nylon). There are many tutorials, but this one is where I started. I've found a ratio of 15:1 works fine, but honestly, not sure it matters that much...
  10. Carp

    The forgotten item

    Also his bucket once upon a time as i recall!
  11. Carp

    Snubbing down the Machias

    Nothing but the finest 3M #35 electrical tape in violet
  12. Carp

    Snubbing down the Machias

    As part of a loop trip up the East Machias and down the Machias, we managed to find some good snubbing water below Second Machias Lake. https://youtu.be/pt3_sCwamkY
  13. Carp

    PakCanoe 150T Folding Canoe

    My livery overflows, and I've not made much use of this canoe over recent years. I suspect at least one of you might be interested in a folding canoe and could make better use of it than I. I mean, who doesn't need a canoe that can be taken as checked luggage? Listed at $900, but open to offers...
  14. Carp

    West Branch Penobscot River and Chesuncook Village .. from a 1984 Yankee Magazine..

    The pool level was raised at least twice (and perhaps a few more times in between). The original dam(s) were surely for holding back water to aid in the log drives. The old dam was at the foot of Chesuncook proper (before Ripogenus lake) and can be seen at extreme low water. From memory...
  15. Carp

    Mad River Northwoods info sought. UPDATE: I Bought It.....

    https://web.archive.org/web/20111126073052/http://www.madrivercanoe.com/pages/index/customer_service/archived_catalogs Donate to archive.org if you'd like to make sure it's preserved. -carp
  16. Carp

    Fire Irons

    Your lightest, but not cheapest option, would probably be to get a couple of 24” sections of titanium tubing and cut a half round on each end to make your own. Titanium Joe’s has some in stock for what passes as a discount, and they do ship in Canada...
  17. Carp

    Fire Irons

    A couple of 24” titanium fire irons take up little space and weigh around 8 oz. (0.5” OD, ~0.4” ID, Grade Whatever)
  18. Carp

    What kind of speakers?

    Well, this changes my theory then. I previously thought the only song you knew the lyrics to was "I Wanna Be Sedated", but now I know that you play this on a loop on the way to the putin to ensure that it's the last thing you hear.
  19. Carp

    Debsconeag Lake, Maine

    I was in the neighbourhood a few years ago. I confirm Fitz's report and would add that I recall the portage from 3rd to 4th was particularly unpleasant... but as I'm not one who enjoys portaging, you may choose to discount my account. Additionally, I did discover that the single most fragrant...
  20. Carp

    FS Old Town Koru $1500

    Sorry John. Sold it a while back. Mea culpa for not updating this post. -carp