• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. S

    Not quite the BWCA

    Looks like fun, and always good to see a canoe pup. Do you know what exactly that caterpillar guy is?
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    Have You Ever Had To Be Rescued/Evacuated On A Canoe Trip

    No evacs from a canoe trip... (Haven't tripped that much yet) More miniature disasters, minor catastrophes, such as hypothermia on an 80+ degree day - though a power boat was involved in that one. OP is more what rescue stories should be... properly prepared group being aware of their...
  3. S

    Large Game - Managing meat condition during warmer temperatures.

    Definitely some things to think about, and some research to do. Especially good point that I can, in fact, choose not to shoot if I think that conditions will be problematic -Just a mindset difference between "Need to come home with venison" and "Enjoy some focused outdoor time with possibility...
  4. S

    Large Game - Managing meat condition during warmer temperatures.

    I've recently become aware of a couple of (large) chunks of state land within a few hours of me that feature paddle-in camping. The surrounding mainlands with be open for archery whitetail deer starting in September. This is very tempting, assuming my bow skills are up to snuff by then...
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    River Country Products

    Hmmm... Looks reasonable. Looking forward to hearing what you think of the quality.
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    Coming soon: Picaridin review.

    It does seem to vary with body chemistry. Works well for me -and seems to keep the deer flies off, at least- but my dad tried it once and immediately went back to DEET. I've also found that what I've been eating recently makes a big difference. I'm on an "absolutely no bananas ever" diet during...
  7. S

    My first wood canvas canoe, Chestnut Pal

    Soo... the Used Canoe Salesman suckered you into a repair apprenticeship in the bargain? :D That's hilarious. Lot of stories in that canoe. She looks.. happy, just floating there, even with half her planking missing.
  8. S

    St Regis area paddling

    Funny how we remember what we want to... Assuming that the photos are in the same order that you named the locations, Green Pond is living up to it's name! Looks like a lovely area to get lost in.
  9. S

    Clinch Nail lengths...

    Well, been digging around the interwebs. no matter which way I slice it, it looks like $60 worth of fasteners for what is supposed to be an experiment. Anyone have alternate ways of fastening fairly thin planking?
  10. S

    Snubbing down the Machias

    Neat! I think I need to get myself a pole. I'm a little surprised at how the canoe would "Hang" for a moment while you swapped ends on the pole - I expected the water to be pushier.
  11. S

    Shop Comfort Note, and a lighting question

    I was around when a couple of electricians converted an entire auditorium to LED: You can get two different types of LED bulbs. One just drops in, using the existing ballast. The other, you need to wire around the ballast. Whichever you get, the packaging should have appropriate instructions...
  12. S

    First Build: 17'-6" J. Winters "Yukon"

    Build is looking good! On the Layer-At-A-Time vs. simultaneous wetout debate: - The goopier epoxies, such as WestSystem, are going to be more prone to the air-entrapment issue. Not saying it can't be done, it's just more work - E-glass gets "squirrel-ey" when wet out - managing it can be a bit...
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    This is a Test

    A different device... Rte error.
  14. S

    This is a Test

    Testing--- Rich text editor error. EDIT: With a different browser...
  15. S

    Made my own canoe pole

    Cool video! Also, cool canoe! Might have been handy for a day-trip I took last week. Put-in location had a riffle just upstream, and I wanted to do an out-and-back. My paddle partner for the day and I weren't able to coordinate well enough to keep bow-on, and I question whether we would have...
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    Penn Yan Kingfisher

    I'm not so into motors, but that one does have pretty lines. wonder how well she rows?
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    Phone charging for power users.

    Probably because many of us already have/need the smartphone for our "civilian" lives. (and map reading is becoming something of a lost art.) When I first scanned this thread, I wondered what had happened to the concept of human-powered generators, but I did some math and realized that...
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    Emergency Heat Source

    I appreciate all of the feedback so far - some very good points here. Calories should definitely go on my list -I've got a fast metabolism and not a lot of natural insulation- something that packs down and can be kept on my person, but is separate from the graze-as-I-go snacks. Also plenty of...
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    Quick foods for recovery when running on empty?

    Waterdog I looked up the stingers, and if by "cracker" you mean what they call "Wafers," They've got a mix of sugars of varying complexity, and a fair bit of fat as a chaser. I'd believe that they're energy-dense. yknpdlr Would your wife be willing to share the recipe, or is it a little too...
  20. S

    Clinch Nail lengths...

    It's possible that the Ad copy was written by someone who has never used the canoe-sized ones. While doing some research, I found that larger clinched nails are often driven through, and then clinched as a separate operation. The version that I've seen for boats was this Youtube video...