• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. S

    Help, I need to expand my horizons.

    Good to know what conditions would be a challenge for you. For comparison purposes, what would you consider to be "Big Water" in this context?
  2. S

    Phoenix Speed

    That looks like the type of water like to explore.
  3. S

    2024 subaru outback stock crossbars

    Ooh... Good point about reducing lateral force - I've often seen people advocate a forward tiedown that applies a large amount of downward force, which always seemed not a good idea. I also like that removable loop design - You may have helped me upgrade my carry rig. mostly, a snugged down...
  4. S

    2024 subaru outback stock crossbars

    I've done about that with my 2015 and a 16'4" 65# tandem. (per internet pics, the stock rack is the same design as your year.) Boatman53 is right that you need to get things really secured. I use a pair of 1" ratchet straps cinched down about as far as they can go with hand pressure as my...
  5. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    I can see how you might think that... both the previous post and tonight's do show parts that could be for a Skin-On-Frame. However, I'm not doing any flavor of SOF, dacron or otherwise this time around. (I promise I'm not framing the photos to be misleading. This is just the order the...
  6. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    So... Last week was pretty full. Didn't get to work on the build. This week, I might get two shop days. A backbone/keel timber isn't much use if it's just a rectangular cross section... Made some plunges with a handsaw and chisel at strategic points to mark out what I need. Yes, there's a...
  7. S

    The most picturesque places you've paddled

    This. So much. Even if you're not really lost.... Sorry, I don't have anything particular to share at the moment.
  8. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    So, bit later update than anticipated. First, I forgot to respond to this question: Very much in the spirit. I'm not sure if it will quite qualify - we'll see how the weighting turns out. Intended as a day boat. I won't say it's impossible that I would ever camp out of it, but focus on getting...
  9. S

    What was the first river you ever paddled?

    Ohhh... resuscitated thread. I missed the beginning of this. My first was, I think, the Lower Wisconsin from Wauzeka (Where the Kickapoo joins the Wisconsin) down to Bridgeport. just before the bluff formations at Wyalusing and the confluence with the Mississippi. I was on my second home-built...
  10. S

    Comfort question

    How does he like his feet? My dad is similarly uncomfortable in a canoe, and I think part of it is that he keeps his feet flat and fairly close to him - lower legs pretty much vertical. He also needs back support in that position.
  11. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    or Destruction and Warning, as the case may be. Not sure if it will be hundreds, but I will try to do some documentation.
  12. S

    New seat design.

    I, for one, would love to hear a use report for this new idea, @Jim Dodd ! On the subject of the Thebes stool, I looked at some of the dimensions. Given how low the seat dips (The upper corners are about 14.75") I suspect that in use it was more like a low squat: Feet flat on the ground, close...
  13. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    And I actually started building the thing over my last couple of shop days in between other projects. Used a few less reference points for these than I have in the past and got some very good results. In addition to the Gunwale, Shoulder, and bottom center points, I only marked in the 3.5" WL...
  14. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    So, my last couple of shop days I've been spending some time on a new build Solo Daytripper. I was somewhat disappointed in my previous solo build, and have found that even with ballast and careful trimming my tandem is far too large for me to daytrip comfortably. I sketched up a new design...
  15. S

    What is your favorite tree and why?

    Probably had bugs in it... They go hunting. They are also very impressive in how quickly they can make that much of a mess... Anybody remember the old "Woody the Woodpecker" cartoons? That whole "Beeline->5 mins jackhammer noises->Sculpture" thing isn't as much of an exaggeration as it might seem.
  16. S

    Blue Steel Layup Inspection / Repair Advice

    Yes to glass patches but the rib cracks depend on what's in the ribs: If there's some fiber or solid core, yes you want to glue that back up with epoxy. If, however, the rib is foam or similar it's just structurally a box beam. The strength will come from running a glass patch - perhaps a couple...
  17. S

    What is your favorite tree and why?

    Yep, got them too. Fruit is just starting to come in now around here. Much of it is out of reach without equipment.
  18. S

    What is your favorite tree and why?

    Really hard to pick a single favorite for me as well. Favorite for what purpose? Red Oak for utility builds: Good strength:mass:volume ratios, straight grain and fairly easy to work, cheap. (It's practically a weed around here.) Hard Maple for glassy hard work surfaces. Butcher Block, hand...
  19. S

    PFD Zipper vs Buckles

    This is what I've gone with, as well. Do keep in mind that these are usually "Type V" special-purpose devices. Mine only meets legal requirements if I'm actually wearing it. (I tend to sink, so I'm wearing 100% of the time anyway.)
  20. S

    Blue Steel Layup Inspection / Repair Advice

    This... actually doesn't look as bad as I'd thought. Most of the more visible bits of the damage seem to be to the gel-coat Weave on the structural cloth seems to be mostly intact - not torn through. Aramid is tough. I seems to be laying fair, so no need to splint it in place while...