• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

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  1. S

    Steam box ideal length

    Side point for this discussion, but was that lapstrake a new-build, or a repair job?
  2. S

    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    Should be the stern, but if you're having difficulty finding it it doesn't hurt to check everywhere. Width will vary depending on the design - In person, you might be able to guesstimate by watching what happens to the hull shape as you pull the sides in or out.
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    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    Not if the manufacturer was following regulations. That's what I'd expect. The bit that connects to two gunwales at the end. Yours are really small.
  4. S

    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    Near the stern, on the starboard (right) side, usually right under the gunwale. In canoes, typically on the inside. Also check the underside of the deck/end cap and seat. Did you note that both of these plates are riveted in place? Check for a pair of closely spaced holes, just in case someone...
  5. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    Time to start putting some of this beast together permanently. Some of the joints are not suitable to be glued, but they do need to be sealed. I need a bedding compound. I choose... Butyl rubber. It's inexpensive, stays flexible, and lasts forever. Not an adhesive. This particular batch is...
  6. S

    Best varnish for ash paddle

    I haven't weighed them. I'd imagine not that much. The blades of these paddles are sealed - Cedar and glass, actually. Only a limited amount of Ash in the water. Ash is only about 50% moisture content when green. While you can super-saturate wood, a paddling session won't do it.
  7. S

    Waldo Lake, Oregon

    Love that sun (rise/set)? shot. Looks like a lovely place to paddle. "What's that shadowy place?" "That's beyond our borders..."
  8. S

    Best varnish for ash paddle

    But varnishes generally don't penetrate, unless you're playing with some oil/varnish/thinner blend that carries the varnish deeper into the wood. ("Boat Soup" as some of the longer-distance sail cruisers call it - it's rather similar to the finishes marketed as "Danish Oil", but with an...
  9. S

    Best varnish for ash paddle

    I'd second the idea to use an oil of some sort, at least for the shaft and grip. I've found that the varnish type finishes are more prone to raising blisters, etc. If you end up not liking it, you can always put an oil-based varnish on top of the (cured) oil.
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    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    So, not a lot of exciting photos from Monday. I got some Boiled Linseed Oil on the stems and keel timber: Not much for pictures: My dad also helped me run through the rough stock pile for planking blanks, as well as some stuff for an unrelated project, which I really appreciate - doing this...
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    Phoenix Full of Herd Dog

    Looks like a lovely place to paddle. Some dogs do the "I Fitz, I Sitz" almost as much as any cat, but they need to turn around 13 billion times just to make sure... :ROFLMAO: I find the color patterns on that 'yak fun. Looks like one of the more paddleable types of production kayak, too.
  12. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    So, a little bit of detail for those curious - or perhaps a little bit confused about how this is all supposed to work. The methods I'm using here are a combination of some traditional lapstrake (AKA "Clinker") techniques and some notions that I borrowed from Thomas J. Hill's "Ultralight...
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    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    So, yesterday turned out to be all those niggling little bits that seem simple but end up eating a lot of time. I found that my strongback arrangement wasn't quite as stiff as I'd thought. Future builds along these lines (if this one works out well) will need a bit of a rethink for the back. In...
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    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    Yes, indeed! I've privately been calling this one "The Viking Build" pretty much since its inception. Now that it's out there, I'll try to include a little bit more about my thought process in future posts. I will say that the resaw from the last post was for the Garboards/Gar Planks. They...
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    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    Some projects motivate you to build jigs or tooling that you've been putting off. I thought this little featherboard set turned out well enough that I'll keep it around. And yes, that is a 7 1/4" ultra thin blade mounted in a full size table saw. It's great for rough ripping - Hot knife...
  16. S

    Which Subaru?

    Only one Subaru so far, so I don't have the wide-ranging experience that some can draw on. Mine is a 2015 Outback. Some points that may be useful: Regarding height: It's true that the Outback is lower to the ground. To my mind, this is an advantage. I grew up driving SUVs as well as passenger...
  17. S

    2024 subaru outback stock crossbars

    Source? I would find that handy...
  18. S

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    As regards the overall plan: This is not a plug. (Sorry, @dogbrain ) I'll add a hint: The keel piece is a permanent part of the canoe. The strips are not.
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    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    After fairing down some parts, I realized that there wasn't enough meat for tying in the stem pieces. Well, guess that means a bit more TiteBond. (Note that the exposed screw head is temporary. Sometimes the best clamp is a fastener.) Keel "Timber" - really? Keel twig? Something? back on the...
  20. S

    Help, I need to expand my horizons.

    If you're willing to come to Wisconsin, you might like Lake Chippewa Flowage. (See this trip report) Popular fishing lake with lots of crannies to explore, but very little housing on the lake so you'll have space. A couple of feeder rivers that should be paddleable, as well. Don't let the...