• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. S

    My new paddling partner, "Luca"

    He looks like he'll be an awesome companion... He's already got the 'sad eyes' technique down, though! Watch out!
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    A couple of cedar

    Ahh.. Sorry, I keep forgetting that... I see what you are saying. Looking closely, I'm inclined to think that It's an optical illusion. The pictures posted here are a little... limited... though, so no way to tell for sure.
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    A couple of cedar

    How so? That's a two-piece, inside/outside stem. A fairly well-known technique, though a bit out of favor among the builders here on CT. If the outer stem is hardwood, it my be a bit more impact resistant than the overlapped strips that most of us use. (At the expense of some extra weight) I'd...
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    Why I don't like Florida

    Glenn MacGrady Now that's a pretty bit of forest...
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    A couple of cedar

    Hi, Erica! Welcome to the forums. Either of these canoes could be the right boat for somebody. As dogbrain stated, we need to know a bit about your physical condition, experience, paddling style and water conditions to even begin to guess what might be right for you. Thoughts on the canoes as...
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    Rosy Dawn

    Yuck... That's more than a summer's worth of rot. Is the outer glass savable, I wonder, or will it need to be cut out and patched as well?
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    Craigslist find: Duluth Monarch #2, vintage.

    Was browsing my local craigslist, and found this. Not mine, and I've not been in contact with the seller. Thought that some of the CT users might be interested.
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    Rosy Dawn

    I'll be watching to see how well this repair comes out... It's a little hard to see in the photos, but it appears that the strips are full-length with no splices. I might check under those brass stem-bands for the leak, especially at any screw points. Water could wick all the way to the center...
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    Divinycell cored composite

    I was curious about that thermal cycling chamber from "Another Life" and wondered if the samples were something that tended to absorb infrared more easily than foam. Glad you got to enjoy some snow. This thread has got me thinking about my next (Hopeful) build again... I sometimes think I enjoy...
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    Divinycell cored composite

    Cool.... how well did that work out? (worklight) As a side question, can you tell about what the older test sample was? How did its absorbtion rate compare to the foam?
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    Divinycell cored composite

    Hmmm.... Standard Quartz/halogen worklight sets seem to cap at around 500W/bulb, though you can get infrared bulbs for them. (perhaps leave off the glass front?) You can get paint-curing lights that come in at the 1000W range, but $$$, especially if you don't have other uses for them. You may...
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    WTB - Tandem tripper

    May also want to check out http://www.rutabaga.com/ They're closer to you than some of the other options, and they carry Northstar (their current overstock list is probably too close to full price) Make sure you call about used, as their full used inventory is rarely listed on the website...
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    Update update

    Robin , would you be comfortable sharing which quotas were being overrun? There should be separate numbers for Data Transfer, Hard Disk space, and CPU load. Perhaps others. Depending on which is the issue, slightly different strategies can be used.
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    Divinycell cored composite

    And a parallel thought chain: How does one select or design a hull for a 6 year old? What qualities are required, and how would they differ from an adult's boat?
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    Divinycell cored composite

    Sounds like an interesting challenge. Disclaimer: I've never worked with the foam at all, the following are thoughts I've had after watching some of the same youtube that you seem to have been looking at. Why go all fancy for a one off? Try this on for size: Standard canoe forms on a...
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    Freedom Solo 16'

    Sorry you got the flu. I'd be frustrated too... just getting over a cold that hung around for two weeks. That rig looks like it is working well for you. The pics do leave me with a few questions, though: How long do you need to leave the cord system in place before you can add another strip...
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    Freedom Solo 16'

    Looking like a well organized build. Everyone seems to like something different for the accent strips. Are you intending to run them parallel to the shear or parallel to the waterline?
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    Solo canoe end floatation bags

    My wallet makes little squeaky noises when I consider bags myself. I've spent less on a good camera lens. I've been wondering if the clear vinyl shower liners that can be had at walmart for a few dollars would heat seal. Failing that, I wonder if some form of sealant plus mechanical...
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    Simulated Deep Water Self-Rescue Result: FAIL

    I'd agree with this bit. I had an... impromptu practice session... a couple of months ago. I was, to my great surprise, unable to get my tandem emptied more than half way with anything approximating what Alan showed. I also found that my bailer was a tad undersized. 1/2 gallon scoop just does...
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    Manitoba paddlers. Your gov't at work

    Also enforced in Minnesota, though the cleaning requirements are not as thorough. My family is sort of considering something like this for the fishing boat. Reading a little closer, it seems that the more interesting decontamination solutions are for items that cannot be thoroughly dried. For...