• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Search results

  1. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    I had good luck with the CanoeCraft method. Square edge will result in an easier, tighter fit. I traced the shape of the last 2 strips onto paper and used that as a template for the glue up. If you glue the final 2 strips to the appropriate curve fitting becomes a process of working the straight...
  2. RickR

    Opening up Geraldton to Longlac canoe route

    It's write-ups like this that make me want to visit Ontario! Thank you!
  3. RickR

    La Verendrye- fulfilling a boyhood dream

    Well done all around! Thanks for taking the time to share your trip. Beautiful photos.
  4. RickR

    Poll: How much is your spouse or SO interested in canoeing compared to you?

    I asked Karen, as long ago I learned not to second guess her. She said 90% and I agree. She loves being outside, paddling and camping. She has a very keen appreciation for the beauty in nature and takes tons of photos trying to capture it. She's an incredibly hard worker with a high capacity for...
  5. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    A dot or two of hot melt glue could secure a wood block to the inside of the hull at a station form where the hull is springing. The hull can be pushed back tight to the form and the block screwed to the station form to secure it. This is a technique I've read about, but not personally tried...
  6. RickR

    Rolling truck rack

    The roller idea is new to me. Clever, useful and much easier on gunwale finish. Thanks!
  7. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    Many years ago in a fortune cookie I read "House finished, man dead" By that, I should live quite a while yet!
  8. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    I also applied strips with the milling reference surface side to the forms. Any milling error/variation was on the exterior where it was easier to deal with when fairing. You're doing great and it's fun to follow your progress. Thanks for taking the time to share your build with us. Rick
  9. RickR

    The Millinocket Carry, Northern Maine

    I've never heard of the term "wolf tree" before. Glad to know it now! I've seen many over the years and always theorized the environmental/commercial conditions necessary to produce them. Great post!
  10. RickR

    Pack canoe redux

    Very nicely done, with a lot of critical thinking and creative problem solving along the way. Thanks for sharing!
  11. RickR

    Kokatat Launch Socks Review

    Looks like a really practical, effective strategy. Thanks for sharing. We always do wet landings and launches and footwear that accommodates both that and paddling has been elusive.
  12. RickR

    50 Pounder Rebuild

    Sikaflex makes great sealants. I've relied upon them for close to 40 years in my work as a carpenter.
  13. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    One of the nice things about a first build is the opportunity to learn different skills and processes. Good on you to redo the stem you weren't happy with. It's only a mistake if you refuse to fix it. I like stems. I don't care about the extra time, material and weight. My next build will be a...
  14. RickR

    50 Pounder Rebuild

    Nice find on the white oak. That is exceptionally fine looking material!
  15. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    I'm also in the carpenter glue camp for stem glue up. I think the strong back doesn't need to be perfectly level and flat, just stable. I do think there are advantages to setting up station forms level, and this can easily be accomplished with a laser (if available), referencing the waterline...
  16. RickR

    Hello from the Hudson Valley!

    Welcome Kendrick! It sounds like you may have been one of the lucky participants in the Adirondack Semester at Saint Lawrence? Our younger son was, in 2010 I think. Great program at a wonderful school!
  17. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    I never thought of short fencing a table saw. That's really clever!
  18. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    I puzzled on this process some, as Jim's method was contrary to my training. But after thinking it through I thought it safe, and got great results with skil-saw cut strips from rough cut material. No thickness planing necessary. It really does boil down to what's the load on the cutter. Not...
  19. RickR

    First stripper build: Prospector-16 Help & comments appreciated

    Welcome, and thanks for posting your build. I'm on the home stretch of my first build, and the many experienced builders on this site have kept me on the road and out of the ditch. You've come to the right place. I look forward to following your build.
  20. RickR

    Maine Canoe Symposium, June 11, 2022

    Karen and I attended last year as first timers. We learned a lot, had a great time, and met some incredibly nice and talented people. This year's symposium will again be held at U.Maine's 4-H Camp and Learning Center at Bryant Pond, Maine. It is a wonderful venue for this event. Registration is...