Karen and I have attended the past 2 years. Terrific event! We've learned a lot and met some extraordinary people. We're planning to make it again this year.
I bought mine for canoeing, but it has become my warm weather hat for everything else also. Keeps the sun off my bald head and does a better job of shading my neck than a ball cap. Comfortable to wear and machine washes nicely.
Karen and I are relatively new to canoe tripping. We started in 2017 with an inherited canoe and car camping equipment from our kid rearing days. Our first trip was to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. We enjoyed the planning, anticipation, and entire trip experience. We were hooked! Since then...
After trying numerous times unsuccessfully to register, DougD, administrator at the time took pity on me and coached me through the process. I copied him.
Another great trip report! Thanks for taking the time to write it up so nicely. I admire your skillset, sense of adventure and capacity for struggle. The joy you experience out there comes through loud and clear. Really well done.
I’m finally able to resume my build and am installing Gilpatrick style low-line attatchment holes using 3/4 inch copper pipe. I believe alsg did the same on his Wabnaki build and perhaps he’ll chime in.
It will be much less noticeable when the seat is suspended below the gunnels and all you see is the bolt heads. You missed the scuppers with room to spare. Looks like a planned result to me!
Very nice glue line between in and out wales!
If I need gap filling in a glued assembly I'll reach for epoxy every time.
If I want to visually minimize a glue line and don't need gap filling or long working time I'll choose one of the Titebonds.
It's nice to have choices!
Rookie advice, for what it's worth. Watch episode 22, "Sheathing the Hull Interior" of the CanoeCraft Workshop series on YouTube. Glassing the interior is not as difficult as you imagine, but you need a clear plan before starting. The video in particular addresses glassing the stem area nicely...
I'm enjoying following this build. You're doing a really nice job! One technique that hasn't been mentioned when the football is applied over the base layer is to painter tape out the football beforehand and wet out to that. No chasing errant cloth strands around a ragged football edge. You have...
Thank you for sharing your trip. Really nice video. We have a hunting camp in Ferdinand, VT, just 7 miles up the Nulhegan from Bloomfield. I've spent a lot of time up there grouse and deer hunting, but not paddled much. Now I know I need to!
Thanks for posting this. It demonstrates that you don't need "all the right tools" to achieve excellent results. Common sense, patience, and the willingness to try something new and then adjust as needed make it work. Well done!
We take an InReach for emergency contact and weather reports, headlamps, our i-phones as cameras and a small power pack to charge them. I used to carry a simple Canon point and shoot which I prefer to the i-phone for convenience/handiness. I need to replace it.