• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. RickR

    New project... 17.5' Atkinson Traveler

    Beautiful work Patrick! Thank you for taking the time to share your build. It's a treat to follow along.
  2. RickR

    Drawknife sharpening

    Thank you for posting this. It's simple, safe, adjustable, and I bet produces a really nice edge. The discs for angle adjustment is clever. I like how both the flat and bevel surfaces can both be worked with minimal fuss. How is the diamond plate abrasive secured to the underside of its wood holder?
  3. RickR

    Marshall Lake loop- NW Ontario (July 2024)

    Well done in every respect. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed following along.
  4. RickR

    New Solo Daytripper Design & Build

    Thank you for sharing your thinking, process and results. I've enjoyed following along. I think your instincts to pause and reset are true. I look forward to seeing this boat built.
  5. RickR

    Oswegatchie Questions

    We've been up and back to High Falls from Inlet 3 times, all after Labor Day. There have always been many beaver dams. Depending upon water level, many can be paddled upstream and over. A pole is useful when water levels are lower. There have only been 1 or 2 on any trip where we've had to drag...
  6. RickR

    What is your favorite tree and why?

    I'm a tree lover and it's tough to pick a favorite, but when we're tripping northern white cedar always catch my eye. I'm amazed at the breadth of environmental conditions they thrive in, from swamps to ridges. It provides important cover and food for wildlife, especially for deer in the north...
  7. RickR

    Another strip canoe delamination

    By the time I worked the bubbled glass back to a solid margin most of the pieces removed were quite small. It was a tight area to work in. The delamination in some areas extended beyond the bubbled glass. I'd cut at the edge of the bubble and sometimes find the adjacent area to be flat, tight...
  8. RickR

    Another strip canoe delamination

    Yes. My thoughts are to level the rough wood surface with thickened epoxy, wet out a piece of 6 oz S glass slightly smaller than the raw wood margin to get back to height, and then apply another larger, overlapping layer of S glass to bond everything together. I'd appreciate hearing other...
  9. RickR

    Another strip canoe delamination

    Stripperguy’s saying that “every scar tells a story” is true for us and we now have a story that requires repair. We enjoyed a leisurely, lovely Moose River Bow Trip out of Jackman, ME 5/21-26/24. We almost cleared the ledge drop at Mosquito Rips unscathed, but the stern stem hit HARD as we...
  10. RickR

    Strip canoe delamination

    Thank you for posting your repair so thoroughly. I'm starting a similar repair on our stripper, so this post is timely and helpful. Our "de-lamination" is identical to what you showed, however damage is on the hull interior.
  11. RickR

    1st paddle (AKA a Paddle from Scrap?) plus a wood glue discussion

    Another big Titebond III fan here. It has a longer working time, lower working temperature, and better water resistance than similar water soluble wood glues. It's my go to unless I need extended open time, gap filling ability (poor joints) or lubricity (tight joints, complicated assemblies) in...
  12. RickR

    Poling in Maine

    No, I had a solid introduction to poling at the Maine Canoe Symposium and had been practicing on my own for 3 years. The poling clinic with Ray and Pat was the first time I had instruction in moving water though. Things started to click. Also, it was a chance to try out a shoed pole and an...
  13. RickR

    Poling in Maine

    The poling clinic was my first experience with wood canvas canoes. I really enjoyed it. I like how they can be maintained and repaired over time. The canoes we used were built by Ray and Pat. Some were 30 plus years old, but still solid and serviceable after a lot of hard use.
  14. RickR

    Poling in Maine

    I attended a 2 day poling clinic last August with Ray and Pat. Ray let me camp on his lawn. It was delightful and I made a lot of progress. They are experienced outdoorsmen, excellent teachers and a lot of fun to be around. I can recommend them without any reservation.
  15. RickR

    Looking to build a low volume, poleable tandem to set up as a solo

    I never considered this, but it's intriguing. I have no experience with 3-D modeling software so it may be a heavy lift. I'll think on it, and thank you for your generous offer to help. This has been on my radar for a while. Time to read it now. I agree. Most of my poling has been in a Mad...
  16. RickR

    Looking to build a low volume, poleable tandem to set up as a solo

    I'm contemplating building my second stripper with the goal of section paddling/poling the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. The accomplished polers I know all seem to prefer 16 feet or longer, symmetrical, stable, high volume tandems. I'd like to keep the weight down as much as possible so have been...
  17. RickR

    Too cold to paint, so...

    Patrick, my experience with acid stain has only been with the traditional combination of water, nitric acid and iron. I’ve used it on both plain and highly figured maple (stocks on flint and percussion long rifles). I’ve also heard that it works well on other woods. My understanding of the...
  18. RickR

    Too cold to paint, so...

    Beautiful work on the paddle and also on restoring the Stanley plane. Well done! Earlier in the thread when I saw you building with curly maple I wondered if you'd use an acid stain. There's nothing quite like it in my opinion to "pop" the curl in maple. I'm curious as to your source of stain...
  19. RickR

    Do you roll, fold or stuff your tent?

    We fold and roll our tent, stakes and poles at center of roll. The unroll to pitch is quick and everything needed is right there.