• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. A

    SkilSaw Method for Strip Cutting ... a primer

    I have the TCS 75 and it's a great saw with tons of handy uses. But if my goal was to cut strips with a hand saw I'd probably grab a regular circular saw first. Mostly because the 75 is large and heavy and the plunge function, while nice in some situations, I find can be pretty awkward when...
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    Thinking of making a carbon fiber paddle...

    One possible reason could be to build the thickness with cheaper materials. Carbon on the outside, at a larger diameter, would probably provide more strength and stiffness than using it as the inner layer and then adding fiberglass to the outside. I have no idea how much difference it would...
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    Thinking of making a carbon fiber paddle...

    I've used this sleeving to make foam tubes and thwarts and it really is remarkable stuff. You can also buy release treated heat shrink that will give a smooth finish without all the fill coats and sanding. It works great on shorter pieces but, as I recall, it can be a bit trickier to slide over...
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    Night Fears: Worse with Hammocks than Tents?

    I just pace it off. I haven't hammock camped in quite a while but, as I remember, something like seven paces is ideal for me. When it gets to five or nine I should be looking for a different pair of trees. It helps keep me honest when it gets late and I'm tired and my brain wants to believe...
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    Boat Buying

    I think the Bloodvein is a good river for beginner whitewater paddlers. When I ran it I'd never really done any whitewater at all. It's easy to find rapid locations and classifications. All rapids have easy to find and well traveled portages around them if necessary. The rapids are short and...
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    Another new camping trend - individual tents

    That sounds much like me, Glenn. I think that's why we've always got along so well not tripping with each other. :) I don't think I'd feel comfortable on a group trip if, like you, I wasn't self sufficient. I'd always want to option to leave a note and paddle away in the middle of the night...
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    The perils of minimum sanding

    I've never bought a new boat but I've bought a couple used ones that were in very good condition and I've built many of my own. I never had a problem dinging or scratching any of them. Alan
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    Mad River in Billings

    Your before pictures, to me, look considerably better than the ones in the original post. I'm guessing if you went poking around and chipping away with a screwdriving on the boat that started this thread you'd end up with some pretty big holes pretty easily where yours would have still be pretty...
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    Mad River in Billings

    That's a great price. I'd definitely be replacing those decks and gunwales and give the yoke and thwarts a real good lookover. It looks like the seats may have been replaced already. Alan
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    First Descent of the New Gorilla

    It's hard to imagine the force that can do that. I've walked along small streams in the AZ mountains and marveled at the shear number and size of rocks that washed down from the mountains to bury sections of the stream under rock and to completely fill in small reservoirs. It's so calm...
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    The Scary Truth About Surviving Capsizing In Cold Water

    I've twice had minor cases of what I guess is the cold shock response. Immediately after going into cold water I was unable to control my breathing. It was a very odd sensation. I wasn't panicked but rather I remember consciously trying to control my breathing and being annoyed that I couldn't...
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    Snowdrift River, Northwest Territories (2001)

    I'm very glad ppine drug up this old thread because I believe I somehow missed it at the time it was posted. I'm definitely enjoying it now and chuckling over the paragraph quoted above. Alan
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    Kevin Callan: Death of the Campfire

    I think there is fire and then there is FIRE. I cook over a fire in my twig stove for nearly every meal. But it's pretty rare that I make a FIRE unless I'm bored and have a lot of extra time in camp or I'm really cold (and have extra time in camp), or I need to dry out wet clothes and boots...
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    In praise of cheap binoculars.

    I'm a big fan of quality optics as well. They can pick up small details in poor lighting and be absolutely stunning with good lighting. When I was pretty serious about birding I found a set of Zeiss Victories that were half off due to a fella going out of business. They were great but as I...
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    Dumb Idea? Drift Sock for Downstream Propulsion?

    I bet if you used two of them you could go twice as fast. Alan
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    Leaving firewood at camp

    I often pull into camp late, wet, cold, and hungry. So I'm not going to wander around in the woods and risk breaking my ankle so the next person can have ready to burn firewood. :) I'm going to take care of my own needs and assume that whoever follows can do the same. Alan
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    Dumb Idea? Drift Sock for Downstream Propulsion?

    I can't see that being anything but a mess. The canoe by itself will float downstream the same speed as the current so the sock won't pull you any faster. Simply holding a paddle in the water will have the same effect as the drift sock. Most likely you'd end up with a drift sock tangled in...
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    Lower canyons of the Rio Grande

    Yeah, it sounds like it's probably not a good idea from the sounds of it. I was envisioning open river banks with no vegetation thinking portaging upstream would be pretty simple but it sounds like that's not the case. I still hope to do it one of these years. Alan
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    Multi-day Paddling Trips in Florida

    The replies on the Rio Grande were split off to their own thread: https://www.canoetripping.net/threads/lower-canyons-of-the-rio-grande.129671/
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    Best canoe dog for wolf protection

    That jives with what I've heard about wolves in the arctic. I've heard people say you can approach a in-use den and the mother will run off and look on nervously from a distance while the pups are handled. Alan