• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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    A Raven from Scratch

    From the photos it looks like quite a bit of cloth is hanging over the edge. That will cause the cloth to pull away from the hull near the shear. After the initial quick wetout I trim this back so there is less than an inch of cloth above the hull. Basically you want whatever excess cloth is...
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    How to Get Heavy Ice Out of a Canoe

    Some cattle have a tendency to lick people. They will search people out in the pen whenever they get a chance and it's very disgusting and annoying. As a deterrent farmers would often tie the knot shown above around the cow's tongue and tie it off to a post. After 6 hours of not being to pull...
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    New Ash Gunwales

    That's pretty sharp.
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    How to Get Heavy Ice Out of a Canoe

    I'd try flipping it upside down and banging on the bottom of the hull to see if the ice would break loose. The seats and thwarts would keep the ice from falling out but hopefully it will break into chunks of manageable size. Alan
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    "Dog Paddlin'"—An essay on canine-ical canoeing by Marc Ornstein

    I'm not quite sure if you can glean any applicable info from this or if it even applies but the springer spaniel I used to have would do that in the boat when out fishing. He was constantly restless and would whine. Absolutely drove me nuts. I'd never had a dog that didn't like being in the boat...
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    "Dog Paddlin'"—An essay on canine-ical canoeing by Marc Ornstein

    I've been fortunate with the two dogs I've had since I took up canoeing. Neither required any special training. Just get in the canoe and go. The first was a springer spaniel that was easy going and liked the water. I still have a funny memory of him jumping into my Bell Magic for the first...
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    Weather: Was it colder when you were a kid?

    I just looked up the 10 coldest winters in iowa and only 1 of them was set since 2000. But none of them were set in the 40's, 50's, or 60's. Alan
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    Weather: Was it colder when you were a kid?

    That would not be uncommon here on this date but instead I'm lounging on the deck with my dog and cat in 50 degree weather with no snow in site. I just looked up the top 10 warmest winters in Iowa and 5 of them were set since 2000, including the warmest ever, which was last year. The previous...
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    Lining Harness?

    I'm very inexperienced with lining and have had mixed success. None of my hulls have a lot of rocker and most have less rocker in the stern. I normally put packs farther back to lighten the bow for lining upstream but a couple times ran into trouble when the bow got away from me and I couldn't...
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    "Ecopoxy" Resin

    I'll be impressed with Swift's toughness when they recreate this with one of their boats:
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    Stress Relieving Paddle Design

    A paddle stroke that's too long with power being applied after the paddle is past the hip could exacerbate the problem as well. Many paddlers develop single side skills and only paddle on one side of the boat. If it's your left shoulder that hurts when pulling you could try turning into a...
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    New Ash Gunwales

    Yes, that 2nd image you posted is what I was thinking of. Another one here: When I've build canoes with decks I ran the decks all the way to the stem and the inwale died into the deck.
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    New Ash Gunwales

    Nothing wrong with that but normally the inwale would die into the stem of the boat and not continue to the exterior. The outwale would then be cut off just longer than the hull and rounded over. Alan
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    New Ash Gunwales

    How did the inwales make it outside the hull? Is there a notch cut in the boat for them to pass through? Alan
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    Stress Relieving Paddle Design

    Does your ZRE hurt your shoulder? If not I'd recommend using it for moving water as well. I've put many hundreds of miles on my ZRE paddles in shallow rivers. This includes paddling all out during training sessions and aggressively scraping the blade over shallow gravel beds when paddling...
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    Stress Relieving Paddle Design

    Which shoulder hurts when you paddle? The top hand shoulder or the bottom hand shoulder? When I first began seriously canoe paddling I was using a paddle that was too long and I had poor technique (pushing forward forcefully with the top hand), both of which resulted in shoulder pain. In that...
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    "Ecopoxy" Resin

    I don't know. Just speculation. It certainly stinks a lot worse than epoxy and while I'm sure epoxy has its hazards as well I usually see people dealing with vinylester wearing more PPE than people working with epoxy. The catalyst for vinylester will supposedly make you go blind if you get it...
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    "Ecopoxy" Resin

    Is epoxy actually the outer surface? Aren't they using something to coat the epoxy for UV? I'm sure not all epoxies are created equal but I have no problem scratching my epoxy hulls. Alan
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    "Ecopoxy" Resin

    It seems I recall commercial builders saying that a 50/50 ratio of cloth to resin is ideal (I might not be right on those numbers) and that it's very difficult to achieve with hand layups but quite possible with vacuum bagging and infusion. If that's the case in a bare composite that hull...
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    "Ecopoxy" Resin

    I never kept track of how much epoxy it took when I was building my composite boats because it would have been too depressing. I'm sure the commercial builders using vacuum bagging, infusion, and much better technique use much less. I'd guess there is a huge cost savings with vinylester and...