• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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    Canoecopia 2025

    I tend to agree with this. When you look at the track record of Kevlar over the decades there isn't much to take issue with. Alan
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    PFDs: Class 3 or 5 PFD for Whitewater?

    Excellent research and information. Thanks for posting this! I'll be curious how you feel about the fit and performance after some real world paddling. I'm also curious how the extra flotation feels when in the water? I've often thought more flotation might make deep water re-entry easier.
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    easy to cook dinner options

    Oatmeal for breakfast. Bannock with peanut butter for lunch. Quinoa, lentils, and dehydrated veggies with salt and olive oil for dinner. They're all super simple and quick. Alan
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    Will sun damage a GRB Carbon Classic canoe?

    I had a carbon racing boat with a bag lady cover which looks pretty similar to what Red Leaf is offering now. It worked great. Easy to take on/off and no issues when driving. Alan
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    Building a canoe

    I'm not sure where you would find it either. That appears to be a stand up paddle board so most users here probably won't be familiar with it. Alan
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    Wool pants

    That's too bad. I guess I'm glad I got the pair I did as they would be way too short for me too. Alan
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    Building a light weight expedition canoe

    The equipment required for vacuum bagging is pretty cheap. Just a vacuum pump and some plumbing. The consumables for vacuum bagging definitely have a cost (and waste) associated with them (bag, peel ply, blotter, etc) and it takes a lot of time to properly execute successfully. Foam is...
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    Building a light weight expedition canoe

    Decked canoe for the Missouri, coastal, and Columbia where portages aren't much of a thing (but wind is). Open canoe for trips that will require portaging. They could be completely different hull designs or the same hull below the water line with the only change being the shear height and...
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    Building a light weight expedition canoe

    I had similar thoughts/needs/desires. These threads will cover my design and build process for two versions of the hull. Version 1 went 30 days and version 2 went 43 days. Version 1 was cedar strip. Version 2 was composite using a sacrificial wood form...
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    Whitehorse Yukon - question about shopping for vegetarian foods

    My go-to vegetarian foods are oatmeal, quinoa, lentils, peanut butter, bannock, and assorted snacks (nuts, raisins, etc), all of which I'd expect to find at most grocery stores, require no trip prep other than repackaging, and it all cooks fast and easily. My meals are simple and repetitive...
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    Moose — Stories, Photos, Videos

    A few nights ago I dreamed Sadie and I were on another Canadian canoe trip. We had made camp on a trail and suddenly I saw a cow moose trotting down the trail right towards camp. I grabbed Sadie and we scuttled off into the tall grass and crouched down. As the moose passed by it stopped and...
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    And so it begins... (Bell Merlin II Repairs)

    I have no idea but @CaptainOllieWest might have a good idea of local canoe values. Alan
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    Wool pants

    I have been since high school (46 now) but every year I can tell it's getting harder and harder to stay there. Alan
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    Wool pants

    I'm a 32 and would love to have a pair! I'll PM for more details.
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    An extra trippy Merlin.

    I've used tape to buildup thickness on forms and once, when the difference was too large for just tape, I cut some really thin strips on the bandsaw and laid them over the form and taped them down. Alan
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    Useful Youtube for Canoe Tripping

    I shot a lot of video on one trip. It was fun in its own way, and I still had a great trip, but it did make it a different experience. Not better, not worse, just different. Thinking about what to film, what would be the best angles, and narrating to the camera were definitely something that was...
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    A Raven from Scratch

    Yes but the specs have changed. The long bed is only 6 feet. :) A few years ago a friend was looking for a new truck and he was frustrated that all he could find was 4 door short bed trucks. He said "If that's what I wanted I'd just buy a sedan and drive around with the trunk open." I thought...
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    National Boy Scouts Day

    Are you guys physically holding Arthur still for the photo? A lot of hands on that kid. Alan
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    I’d like to see your wood (gunwales that is), plus a question

    That's me 100%. I tend to use oil because it's quick and easy to maintain but then I don't maintain it anyway. In spite of this I still use oil when I install wood gunwales because application is so easy, because I still lie to myself about performing regular maintenance, and because my boats...
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    A bunch of you are keeping a secret.

    Days and weeks alone with your own thoughts is definitely a different experience to what most of us experience in our daily lives. On my multi-week solo trips I'd often find my mind picking a problem and working it over for 2-3 days until it was either resolved or deemed unsolvable. Then my mind...