I used to be a coffee snob. The mail order specialty coffee type. It was just a phase. It turns out I actually like instant coffee; Nescafe Classico to be exact. I even drink it at home. Yeah, I am a coffee heathen now.
Thanks for sharing. Brings back high school memories. A group of us canoed a portion of the river, and then rafted another portion. I recall some serious drops on the rafting portion, and one rock which apparently is referred to as "pinball"?
I really enjoy heating a pot of water and using my cup to take a woods shower. I don't use soap, but the bath-temp water with a bandana works great to wipe away grime, and dust. Some birch leaves added to the water can help too (they are saponids iirc) as does green pine needles (they are an...
I did a week+ trip out of Rossport. We were in an open canoe. The recommendation for extra time for bad weather is spot on. Our weather was not bad, but with the open canoe we needed almost perfect for some of the crossings. Was a little eerie paddling past remnants of shipwrecks. Out of the...
I do a lot of dehydrating like SG. The main difference is abhor eating out of plastic bags. I rehydrate in my cookpot. My cleaning method is simple and "dry" so no mess.