• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Murat V

    Canadian Canoe Trippers: Can you I.D. this mystery route?

    Hoping the more experienced trippers out there can help solve a mystery. This post over on the WCHA forums documents an old canoe paddle with a tripping route painted on the blade. The paddle was acquired at an antique shop and no information about its origins are known. From the throat down to...
  2. Murat V

    Here's a canoe video to remind you what summer is like

    Great first video! Puppy cam was neat to see the trip from that perspective. Might have to strap a camera onto my toddler next summer for similar footage.
  3. Murat V

    Photo of the day

    Crazy canoe skiing from 1941... MARINETTE - WIS. "Dare Devil" Jack Boyle guides his snow-going canoe to a landing after making hair-raising slide down Marinette ski slide. Mr. Boyle doesn't recommend it as a winter sport for novices, but claims it's easy if you know how. 1-18-41
  4. Murat V

    Canoetripping Woodworkers: Post your scrap wood projects

    Beautiful job Alan! Really like how you made the teeth on the bucksaw blade. Happy adventures to your 4 yr old buddy!
  5. Murat V

    Paddle repaired thanks to CanotRouge

    Thanks guys. Wouldn't have tried repairing if CanotRouge hadn't posted his photos. If it's good enough for his wife's favourite paddle and has held up over some wild Yukon waters, then it should be good for my tame paddling excursions. Those long, flat grips were predominantly seen in...
  6. Murat V

    Canoetripping Woodworkers: Post your scrap wood projects

    Those are sweet looking paddles. Well done Mark! I gave out a bunch of mini paddles as gifts to friends and their kids just ended up hitting each other with them. You were smart to make them out of cedar. I had used hard maple...oops.
  7. Murat V

    Paddle repaired thanks to CanotRouge

    Wanted to thank CanotRouge for the idea of fixing an old paddle project. His successful outcome of repairing a busted shaft (posted on this earlier thread) motivated me to try a similar repair on a paddle broken while carving. After mulling around for ideas to re-use the blade, it ended up...
  8. Murat V

    Canoetripping Woodworkers: Post your scrap wood projects

    Thanks for the photos, Jim. I was thinking of using some bits to make some clamps. Your C clamp and stretcher bar system gives my an idea to work with.
  9. Murat V

    New Custom Canvas Tent Maker - Ontario

    Robin, that photo sure is a cute one. There's mini and then there's extra mini BB, I don't have a facebook account either but their email is on the main page. It's also on their new up and coming website (sewnhome.ca). As for design, I pretty much copied Robin's 6 foot wide by 7 foot long cut...
  10. Murat V

    Free beavertail paddle plans

    Paddle (and brew) look great. Thanks for posting!
  11. Murat V

    New Custom Canvas Tent Maker - Ontario

    Wanted to let the canoe tripping community know of a new canvas tent business based out of the small Northern Ontario town of Timmins. SewnHome has a facebook page with photos of their creations including baker style and wall tents. I contacted the owner, David, for a custom mini wall tent...
  12. Murat V

    What Crooked Knife?

    Not too many mass producers of crooked knives out there because it is such a custom tool. Guess you should ask yourself what you really intend to use it for? Many serious carvers have more than one blade shape since shaving down a flat surface (like a paddle blade) is a bit better with a longer...
  13. Murat V

    Canoetripping.net Fund Raiser

    Congrats to all the winners! In lieu of a skill testing question to claim the prize, maybe we should require the recipients to post a photo using their new gear.
  14. Murat V

    My 60th Birthday Tripping Cake

    Kudos to the cake artist for a lovely creation and congrats to the recipient!
  15. Murat V

    Canoetripping Woodworkers: Post your scrap wood projects

    Appreciate the responses so far. CanotRouge, thanks for posting the plans for your bungee paddle holder. Got lots of little blocks that would be perfect for this. Also like your thickness calipers. GGTBod, looking forward to seeing your kuksa when complete. I carved two, one from green birch...
  16. Murat V

    Canoetripping Woodworkers: Post your scrap wood projects

    Lots of talented woodworkers are here on the forum. Hoping folks will use this thread to post some of their scrap wood project ideas. I'm looking to pass the winter by using up my pile of hardwood cutoffs. Just finished making a sanding tool modeled after the "MacFarlane Bow Sander". Mine has...
  17. Murat V

    Canoes are "Vessels of Memory"

    Rob Stevens posting this link over on the WCHA forums. It's a short film called "Vessels of Memory" profiling Douglas Ingram of Red River Canoe. Quite the number of projects going on in his shop.
  18. Murat V

    New Book: Canoes: A Natural History in North America

    There's a new canoe book just released that might interest some folks - Canoes: A Natural History in North America by Mark Neuzil and Norman Sims. Canoes: A Natural History in North America Mark Neuzil and Norman Sims Foreword by John McPhee ISBN 978-0-8166-8117-4 416 pages, 95 b&w plates, 228...
  19. Murat V

    Film library/catalog

    Here's a neat silent video documenting the harvest and processing of porpoise oil by the Mi'kmaq people of Nova Scotia. Some paddling action starts around the 7:50 mark featuring rare footage of an ocean going birchbark canoe... The Retro Ontario channel has some short clips featuring Omer...
  20. Murat V

    Greetings and Salutations

    Hi Rob. Looking forward to seeing your posts and vids in the future too. Very curious about your basic tarp shelters and experience with simple bushcraft living.