I was rewatching Ray Mears video about his canoe trip on the Missanabie River years ago and I noticed his small leather pouches while he was preparing bannock. I ordered one off of Etsy, along with a couple of waxed cotton bags. Anxiously awaiting.
Anybody else ever use them?
Thanks for that report. I like those Leanto’s to hang out in for a while but only slept in one once. Too many mice running around all nite and I was up on a cot…haha
I did that trip a few times years ago but don’t remember the beaver dams.
Nice pictures, Thanks again.
I have gone into Lows for the opening week (rifle) of deer season quite a few times (last week of October) and saw few if any other paddlers. There might have been day paddlers but I didn’t see any on the western end of the lake.
Lows lower dam is back open to paddlers. Best time of year for hot tent canoe campers.
I retired in 2010, was diagnosed with bladder cancer in ‘14, prostrate cancer in 16’, ( both as a result of my exposure to agent Orange in 1968), myositis in my hamstrings shortly after the radiation/statins I received to treat the prostrate. Climbing stairs became very difficult.
I continued...
I always bring my ax, whether it’s car camping, remote base camp or even when I was portaging. When toting a wood stove it’s pretty much necessary, with a twig stove not so much but like Al says, not a bad thing to have within reach when needed.
This tent has a floor, it’s supposed to be “water resistant”. I placed my old Hudson Bay blanket over the floor on my first trip to keep the floor clean. I suppose I’ll find a sheet of plastic to use as a ground sheet.
I had ordered the tent shortly after camping with lowangle Al and seeing...
I had plans to do this trip last spring, hoping to see icebergs when I got to the NL coast. A cold spring up there changed my plans to nw Ontario.
The iOverlander app was a big help with planning boondocking campsites.
If you rent a vehicle what’s the deal with car topping a canoe? Just don’t...
Yes, it is. I used to use a 15’ green Chestnut Chum, great little canoe, but I found the 16’ Cruiser to be more of an all round canoe for my needs. It handles the canvas tent outfit well and I have a nice 14’ Chestnut Fox replica for lighter outfits.
All the reviews and videos I have seen say the interior of the tent stays dry. While Frost River says it’s water resistant, they never say water proof.
“wet it down and let it completely dry to season the fabric and seams. It will be much more water-resistant once its been soaked and dried”...
I think I’m supposed to wet it out and let it dry to make it waterproof. The weather forecast predicted dry conditions so I didn’t bother with the wet it out yet, although I did bring a CCS tarp. I read a review that the tent is watertight, no tarp needed.
Funny, spend a grand on a tent and get...
I just spent 3 nights in my new Frost River 2 man Campfire Tent. Paddle in campsite, a few miles down a small lake here in Maine, camped on a island. Tent worked great, I made my own poles out of local ash but will be moving to lighter weight spruce. I used on site beaver chewed birch for the...
My door is always open my friend.
While my most favorite trips have always been in Canada, I have always held a special place in my heart for the Adirondacks. Spring and fall in the ADK’s base camped in my small wall tent was always something I looked forward to.
An August trip to Quebec or...
I make a list just like Glenn and can never find it again. So I make new list each trip, starting a week in advance and add/subtract things as I go. Since I’m either solo or solo with others my outfit stays the same.
I had all my gear packed for a family trip over a month ago which got canceled...
I live in mid coast Maine and it’s a really nice area to live. Lots of great paddling opportunities plus some awesome down hill ski areas not too far away. It’s easy to get to northern Quebec and New Brunswick for some more wilderness adventures. It’s too far from northwest Ontario though...
Not much at all, 3-4 boats in 5 days. Your advise to put in at the south end of the lake to avoid fishing boats was spot on. We stayed at a small island next to Hammer Island on the map.