• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. PaddlingPitt

    Build your own canvas wall tent

    Very impressive, Robin.
  2. PaddlingPitt

    The best solo canoe may be a touring kayak.

    You are good, Glenn. Very good. Very fair and inclusive.
  3. PaddlingPitt

    Of beavers, wolves, and forested wetlands.

    I was always intrigued by the genus for douglas-fir, hyphenated because it is not a true fir (Abies). It’s genus is Pseudotsuga, which translates as false hemlock. Interesting genus for a plant that is a false fir.
  4. PaddlingPitt

    Of beavers, wolves, and forested wetlands.

    Just wondering, Tsuga8, if your name represents an affection for Hemlocks.
  5. PaddlingPitt

    The best solo canoe may be a touring kayak.

    Kathleen and I, early in our paddling lives, tried a kayak for a couple of hours. Didn’t like it at all, because we had no options regarding leg position. I share your sentiments exactly, BWCA66! But, everyone has their own preferences.
  6. PaddlingPitt

    Happy National………Day

    Now I understand the paradox. It is so simple!
  7. PaddlingPitt

    Happy National………Day

    Yes. I should have known! Intellectual capacity and memory way down with advancing years.
  8. PaddlingPitt

    Happy National………Day

    Here is a different link. https://www.wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/mobile/2013/07/30/what-did-schrodingers-cat-experiment-prove/ I could not post the wikipedia link.
  9. PaddlingPitt

    Happy National………Day

    I was intrigued by today’s headline, Glenn, and googled Schrodinger’s Cat. Good thing I never pursued quantum theory, as even when carefully explained to me, I confess that I do not have the patience or intellectual skill to comprehend. Thanks for revealing that. I received an error, when I...
  10. PaddlingPitt

    Big Boundary Waters Loop - 9/4/23-9/11/23

    Enjoyed your trip report. Thanks for sharing.
  11. PaddlingPitt

    Of beavers, wolves, and forested wetlands.

    When I was a graduate student at UC Berkeley back in 1970, I think, I took a graduate course in wildlife management from A. Starker Leopold, son of Aldo Leopold, of “A Sand County Almanac” fame. When discussing predator/prey populations, Starker opined that the prey population controlled the...
  12. PaddlingPitt

    Outdoor Skills Advice From People Famous For Other Reasons

    We have tried citronella as an alternative to deet. Deet won in a rout. Citronella was not even in the game.
  13. PaddlingPitt

    Outdoor Skills Advice From People Famous For Other Reasons

    The link just appeared in the article describing Hemingway’s suicide. I had never heard of that site before! But I understand why Ernest might be featured there.
  14. PaddlingPitt

    Planning for 5-month isolated winter followed by 1-month canoe trip at beak-up

    Here’s the link, Alan, to Our Winter of Content in Canada's Western Arctic. For people who might want to proceed directly to the canoe trip down the Anderson River to the Arctic Coast, here’s the link Anderson River, Northwest Territories, 1999.
  15. PaddlingPitt

    Outdoor Skills Advice From People Famous For Other Reasons

    When I was an adolescent, I read a lot of Ernest Hemingway. Yesterday I searched for reasons about why he committed suicide, and came across this 1920 article he wrote about camping out. A tight, direct prose similar to his later novels...
  16. PaddlingPitt

    Planning for 5-month isolated winter followed by 1-month canoe trip at beak-up

    The Final Act: Barging North Part 2 Our 25 plastic bins, plus one canoe and one sled would soon be heading down river toward Inuvik, over 1550 km (950 miles) away. The total cost to barge 585 kg (1290 pounds) of groceries and gear was only $225.00 – a fantastic price, I thought. Our supplies...
  17. PaddlingPitt

    2023 Fund Drive Now On

    Now my interest is piqued!
  18. PaddlingPitt

    Planning for 5-month isolated winter followed by 1-month canoe trip at beak-up

    Interesting observation, KO. Bern and his wife Margaret spent a week at the cabin in September, just to try things out. I don’t remember exactly when, but soon after that, Bern told me that he thought two cords would not be enough. But he only left two.. When we arrived at the cabin in January...
  19. PaddlingPitt

    Planning for 5-month isolated winter followed by 1-month canoe trip at beak-up

    Thanks Gamma. When we moved to Preeceviile in 2008 we adopted 5 older sled dogs. When they left us, we adopted a rescue Siberian Husky in 2017. I should have kept daily notes, as I would have a zillion stories to write about. But alas, I did not keep notes. So I got nothin’. Too bad, because...