• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. PaddlingPitt

    Mesmerizing/Interesting Phenomena & Experiences Without An Eclipse

    I was thinking about Odyssey's comment in the Total Eclipse thread to "Keep in mind there are so many smaller miracles equally mesmerizing which we miss on a daily basis." True enough. I wondered with Kathleen what events in our lives truly stand out as mesmerizing, great or small. One of the...
  2. PaddlingPitt

    Any plans for the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse?

    Carly Simon says the second verse refers to Warren Beatty. https://people.com/books/carly-simon-says-youre-so-vain-second-verse-is-about-warren-beatty/
  3. PaddlingPitt

    What are you reading?

    I fall asleep easily too. My major reading these days is the comic strip “Pearls Before Swine.” A lot easier than James Joyce.
  4. PaddlingPitt

    What are you reading?

    Black-Fly, A couple of months ago I tried reading Finnegans Wake, the classic work by James Joyce. But I wasn’t up to it. The book is unique, I think, in the literal sense of the word. I once heard it said that it’s the most famous book never read completely by anyone. Have you considered or...
  5. PaddlingPitt

    How many paddles do you bring on a canoe trip?

    I think that’s it, Glenn. Our blades are white. The lower shafts are yellow. The upper black shafts, which I cut to length, and then inserted and secured with a pin in the lower shaft. If I remember correctly, I also positioned the grips before glueing them into the upper shafts. Thanks for your...
  6. PaddlingPitt

    How many paddles do you bring on a canoe trip?

    Kathleen and I always took four paddles on our wilderness canoe trips. We each had our own light, flexible wooden, otter tail paddles for lake water and easy moving water. Easy on the shoulders. Not tiring, even after paddling all day. Here we are in 2017, ready to begin paddling in the East Arm...
  7. PaddlingPitt

    Is there a doctor in the house?

    Back in the mid nineties, two surgeons joined our canoe club in Vancouver. Their goal was to develop enough paddling skills to go on extended river trips in northern Canada. Kathleen and I shared our experiences with them regarding appropriate gear, and mentioned that we always took a fairly...
  8. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    Very glad that you enjoyed my trip report, riverstrider. After all, that’s why I post. I very much appreciate and welcome positive feedback. Thanks, Glenn, for explaining how to somewhat easily find my other trip reports. You are not alone, riverstrider, in declaring that you would not enjoy...
  9. PaddlingPitt

    Tarp type and set-up style, and let's see some pix

    Kathleen and I have usually tripped just by ourselves. Most of our tripping has been north of treeline, our favourite landscape. In these situations, we rarely put up a tarp, primarily because we prefer to have an unobstructed view of the beauty of our surroundings, as here on the Snowdrift...
  10. PaddlingPitt

    Canoe Cradle Stand

    I don’t know. I simply searched for canoe cradle title, and it came up. I didn’t read/study the thread, as I don’t need a canoe cradle. Just trying to be helpful. Sorry you didn’t find anything useful. There’s also another canoe cradle thread started by canotrouge in 2018. I haven’t read it...
  11. PaddlingPitt

    Canoe Cradle Stand

    Previous thread on canoetripping.net https://www.canoetripping.net/threads/canoe-cradles.43466/
  12. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    Kestel, I infer that you would like me to send you a book. If so, please private message me for details. Michael
  13. PaddlingPitt

    Thelon River, Northwest Territories & Nunavut (1993)

    Kestrel, Glad you enjoyed the report. I do have two versions of the entire report. One is a hard copy book that Kathleen and I published titled Three Seasons In The Wind - 950 Kilometres Down Northern Canada’s Thelon River. It has the complete story, but was published as a “print on demand“...
  14. PaddlingPitt

    Video, of a guy tipping a canoe over in the middle of a Minnesota Lake

    A lot of inexplicable stuff happening. Gear loaded haphazardly, a lot of gear. For what purpose? Motoring and paddling At the same time. Why? Paddling far out from shore, with no apparent paddling skills. Why? No attempt to save himself. The calls for help were lame. Yet help came. Perhaps help...
  15. PaddlingPitt

    Video, of a guy tipping a canoe over in the middle of a Minnesota Lake

    I just watched this again, and still think that this guy might have capsized on purpose, as a video fundraising stunt. He didn’t make any attempt to save himself, other than yelling out help, as if he believed help was nearby.
  16. PaddlingPitt

    How to Use a Water Rescue Throw Bag (explanatory video)

    This might be too picky, but I was not happy with the self-rescue at the beginning of the video. We were always taught that after a capsize 1. Hold on to your paddle, 2. Get to the upstream end of your boat, 3. Check for you partner, 4. Grab the painter, 5. On your back, attempt to swim the...
  17. PaddlingPitt

    How to Use a Water Rescue Throw Bag (explanatory video)

    Yeah, yknpdlr. It is a true pain! No one enjoys reloading the bag.
  18. PaddlingPitt

    How to Use a Water Rescue Throw Bag (explanatory video)

    All canoes in our club carried a throw bag on day trips, but I have never seen anyone use one. And we paddled gnarly, boulder-filled rapids pretty much year-round in the Vancouver area. To use a throw bag would require that lead boats eddy out, and the paddlers stand on shore, waiting for the...
  19. PaddlingPitt

    How to Use a Water Rescue Throw Bag (explanatory video)

    My throw bag is over 35 years old, and not nearly as snazzy or technological as the bags shown in the video. Our canoe club back in Vancouver held an annual clinic on river rescue techniques. Most people could not accurately throw the bag any great distance. It takes practice. I think accurate...
  20. PaddlingPitt

    Greetings from Europe

    My wife Kathleen and I spent three days in Rome last summer. Loved it. If we were younger, we could easily see ourselves moving to Italy.