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Search results

  1. TheIndian

    Canoe Cart

    Whoa! The WZ1-SBC is super expensive! Looks like the better of the three options (the mini cart, the standard kayak cart and the small boat cart) but that thing is just too much money. And of course of the three...the SBC has the highest weight capacity...the other two are like between...
  2. TheIndian

    Allagash 17-23 June

    Sounds like a nice trip. Is it common to run into many other paddlers on a trip like that, on the Allagash? Never been there myself.
  3. TheIndian

    Winter 2017: A 5-day solo trip with plans to return

    LOL that look like a fantastic trip! Glad your tent and stove still intact.
  4. TheIndian

    Canoe Cart

    Lotta good insight there guys thanks. And really appreciate the photos! Nice photo Glenn! There's certainly plenty of variables when it comes to the condition of the trails we carry on. I too was never really a fan of the cart but sometimes I can see it coming in handy. Like when you trying to...
  5. TheIndian

    Canoe Cart

    Thanks yknpdlr....was actually looking at that same cart today at Campmor, $149 there, so thanks for the links. It had nice clearance but the wheels were not inflatable. That a big deal you think? Is this the cart you use? Thx for the advice frozentripper!
  6. TheIndian

    Canoe Cart

    Hey All, Wondering if you could give me your recommendations on a good, sturdy canoe cart. Looking to plan some trips in the future and one of these might come in handy as I plan on bringing a bunch of stuff haha. Was never a big fan of the canoe cart because they always appear to give people...
  7. TheIndian

    Early season!?

    Just recently read that here in NY, there have been a record number of deaths from people falling through the ice...either snowmobilers or ice fisherman. Sad. With the relatively mild winter this year (coulda fooled me), lake ice just isn't thick enough in all areas. Be safe!
  8. TheIndian

    Tick removal

    If I going deep into the woods here on Long island, I will give my clothes a once-over with some Deet...let it dry...then put them on. I know it probably not the friendliest chemical known to man but I can say for sure it even less friendly to ticks...fortunately never found a tick on me while...
  9. TheIndian

    Winter 2017: A 5-day solo trip with plans to return

    Very cool! How those custom made snoshoeskis working out for you? Those are the ones you just recently made, correct? Share some of your menu ideas too, if you don't mind...
  10. TheIndian

    Trips planned for 2017 What is everyone planning

    Valcour Island....Lake Champlain via kayak. Hooked up with a nice group of people at Button Bay this past Fall and want to go back. And definitely an Adirondack Lake with the hot tent like Robin does....Long, Lila, Lows, Forked...not sure yet. Would really like to head west but I say that...
  11. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    No Title Finally got around to rigging up my stove pipe....no more tarp poles! Works great...just need a stiff wind to really test it out.
  12. TheIndian

    Campout in CT Dec 2-4 2016

    Enjoy the food, drink and company! Especially that squirrel ;)
  13. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    Beans! Safe travels! Have fun!
  14. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    Yeah, that was a lot of snow Snapper. I had trouble driving my Cherokee through the field there and almost got stuck a few times. The property I have is just west of Stamford off Route 23. Cooperstown = Ommegang! It's a shame they did away with the cyclocross races there. What could possibly...
  15. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    Funny...someday we'll do that haha Yes, it's a Panther. Kinda big and bulky especially with all the hardware but I'm going to work on a way to get it all in the canoe eventually. The Adirondacks are full of paddling oportunities and last year I think some of the big lakes never froze over...
  16. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    Canoetrouge...mind letting me know how that setup is put together? That's a hose clamp around the stove pipe, correct? How did you get those rings connected to the clamp?
  17. TheIndian

    Whats more canoe related than a microbrewery?

    Did someone say "Maudite?" Coldfeet introduced that to me up on the Cold River once. Now that's a beer that'll put hair on yer keel ;) A must-have in my fridge these days.
  18. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    Thx Robin...it was a delicious breakfast! I remember you posting a similar picture of your health food diet as well once...maybe on Lows Lake?...always wanted to replicate it LOL There was also a hot cup of coffee off to the side ;)
  19. TheIndian

    Maine Canoe Symposium June 10-12

    Just got an email YC. Planning the dates with my dog-sitter already and really hope to attend this year. Maybe see you there...
  20. TheIndian

    Fiberglass stove hole in canvas tent

    Thanks Bothwell...have been told that about the reflector by others as well. Will get to it one day. For this trip I had so much gear packed into my Jeep there wasn't room for anything else. Think I need a bigger vehicle. That's a great idea Canoetrouge! I have several points on the tent where...